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Breaking Down the Lions’ Data Sheet

Hi All, Apologies for the delay on this article, I was fighting (and losing) a nasty battle of food poisoning. Today we are looking at the free datasheet released for the Lion! Some of this information we knew already but a lot is new!


This is pretty standard for primarchs, and while not amazing isn’t terrible either. 10 attacks is pretty brutal, especially with some of his other tricks.


We had the stats on his sword already, but his gun confuses me a bit. Unless you are targeting T3 units I think you will always opt for plasma. I know combi weapons are a big thing for the DA but this isn’t a combi weapon, kinda odd.


Now here’s the good stuff. We knew he could deepstrike, but the fights-first ability will help you guarantee some damage and can counter fight’s-last nerfs. He gets the primarch buffs to hits and wounds but only affects Dark Angels not all Imperium units like Robute. His warlord trait is interesting and can be quite powerful, especially for slower, footslogging termis. The watchers are always useful and having two gives him some added utility.

Overall he’s an interesting character. He meshes well with a drop terminator force though your opponent might be able to screen you out. He is more of a duelist then Robute but is a lot easier to kill. You have to worry about him getting charged a bit, but once stuck in, he will wreck most enemies. I like how they distinguished him a bit and made him unique. 320 is a lot of points for one model but he can massively impact a game.

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