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Take a look at Darth Maul for Star Wars: Shatterpoint!

One of the most popular Sith in the lore, Darth Maul is bringing the heat to Star Wars: Shatterpoint. Take a look at his stat cards.

Maul, previously thought dead, survived his injuries by focusing on his hatred of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was found by his brother Savage Opress and restored by dark magicks from Mother Talzin. Maul formed the Shadow Collective and took control of Mandalore, driven by his desire for revenge. His Identity ability, Sustained By Rage, allows him to suffer damage instead of spending force to pay for his abilities and grants additional attack based on the damage he has suffered. However, with a Durability of 2, he is a glass cannon whose influence on the battlefield is short-lived. Maul provides 8 squad points during strike team construction, leaving room for more long-lasting Secondary and Supporting Units to focus on holding objectives.

Lord Maul is skilled at rushing down enemy units, using Force Speed for an additional advance and There is No Place to Run to pull and expose enemy characters. His Revenge, I Must Have Revenge ability allows him to strike back with a 5 dice attack when wounded by a melee attack, which is boosted by bonus dice from Sustained By Rage.

Lord Maul can choose from two stances in combat: Sinister Cunning, which offers a strong ranged attack option and solid damage mitigation, and Dark Rage, which has high damage output and relies on healing after the fact. With proper stamina and stance management, Lord Maul is a fierce combatant seeking revenge.

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