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Free Cursed City Scenario Released!

Like the undead city it portrays GW has briefly resurrected Cursed City to give it a new scenario. For once they have actually made something interesting with these rules. In this option, you only get one hero but it’s an extremely powerful one. You get to choose between Gotrek, The Light of Eltharion or Gardus Steel Soul.

The first change to the game sets out the rules for the scenarios. In this “What-If” option you don’t resolve crises, gain enhancements, or do the “Journey’s End” step. The events table has also been re-worked and is much tougher:

Fortunately, your heroes are pretty crazy too! First up is Gotrek who is the tankiest of the group, and can also instakill any enemy if you get lucky.

He lacks any ranged attacks and is not very agile but only dies on a “1” or a “2” which is amazing. He can also clear hordes when inspired.

Eltharion has more wounds than the others but is still a little fragile with such a low vitality. He will also eat your dice with his extra abilities, but choosing when to ignore damage is very useful. When inspired, his actions are easy to trigger at such low values so you will almost always be able to do whatever you want.

I am the least wild about Gardus as his inspiration ability is still bad for you, although he recuperates well. His warcloak ability is very good and his very mobile. However I worry all the damage reduction will bog him down in later editions of the game.

Honestly this is the kind of content Cursed City needs more of. Different ways to play the game and interact with the world are sorely needed. Sadly, if you try a single player campaign it only highlights the absurdity of the ending. I will never not dunk on the disastrous narrative decisions made in this game and this does nothing to remedy it.

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