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Honey Wake Up! Nu-Terminators Just Dropped!

Hi all,

We have a treat for you all today as we break down the new Terminator datasheet and its implications. GW wants you to bring more of these bad boys and has buffed their stats to match!

To kick things off Termis are now rocking toughness 5 and a 4+ invulnerable save. Both of these make sense, but it does raise questions about the role of Stormshields. I wonder if they will get their 3++ saves, or maybe they might be doing away with them outside of characters? Their leadership is okay, on par with Intercessors, and they have an OC of 1.

Their ranged weapons are pretty normal with stormbolters keeping their usual profile. Krak missiles are going up to S9 which tracks with the promised rise in vehicles toughness. The weapon AP is identical, hopefully this means they will be changing doctrines. Terminators now hit on 3+ with their powerfists but have lost 1 point of AP. Power weapons are now also AP -2 but come with an extra attacks. Chainfists still hit on a 4+ but are AP-2 and get an ANTI-Vehicle keyword that does a “Critical Wound” on a roll of a 3+. We don’t know exactly what this does yet, it might be like a mortal wound, or a toned down version of it. They also mention some ability called a “Devastating Wound” that the assault cannon can do, but with no further details.

They also discussed some of the abilities that each unit has, for Termis they can use this new stratagem for free with their Teleport Homer.

They also ignore hit roll modifiers, and get +1 to hit when targeting units selected for “Oath of the Moment”. Whatever that means. The new strat looks like it has been organized to make it clearer what it does and who can use it. We still have stratagem types (Strategic Ploy) so expect rules shenanigans to come. The restrictions are interesting and I wonder if we might see more limits on when reserves arrive? The ability to arrive on your opponent’s turn is also very appealing!

Tune in tomorrow as GW starts release faction rules!

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