So #New40K, #NewEdition, #NewPrimarisLieutenant. The Tyranid wars have left their impact on the Ultramarines and this conflict is now being represented in the models. This Phobos Lieutenant is rocking some new war-gear and trophies.

The new model comes with paired blades as well as a combi-flamer. This new ranged weapon does give new utility to the model while also bringing it into line with the other Lieutenants which could bring combi-weapons.
I wonder if GW will consider bringing back rules for the old Tyrannic War Veterans (could work in a detachment) or if such specialization will be considered too unbalanced? The only other tidbit is that Chaplain Cassius might be the next Primaris character for the Ultras. He hates the Nids and has a log history of fighting them so it would make sense!
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