The biggest US ASOIAF Tournament to date happened last weekend at Adepticon. This is a major event in the US and is one of the first since the small patch to general rules by CMON, and it has shaken the usual standings up enough to make a difference. We will be going over the top performers and some interesting stats to see how competitive play has changed with 2021.02.
Adepticon ASOIAF Championship
The event saw 46 players play 5 games across 1 day. Adepticon hosted the event, but it was run and organised by Martin Gaska who did a great job at making sure the games were finishing on time to fit all five in. It has become the biggest US event to date which is incredible, and this is very positive for the future of the game. It saw the community come together with appearances from the Sunday Slaughter YouTube channel and members of the Small Council Radio, thank you to Craig for providing me with some details of the event.
5 games in one day are not perhaps the best for the players as this can be very exhausting. From my own experience 4 games in one day is tough when attending a two-day event so 5 can be a bit much. Not all players completed all five games with some only playing two and others 3-4. 37 players out of the 46 completed 5 games. A few people have said they appreciated the one-day event so that they could experience the rest of the convention on Sunday.
There was quite a good turnout for all factions apart from the obvious Neutrals but Free Folk only having one person represent their forces was a shock. The top tables were quite close and it looked very good from Craig’s Harmen Uller as he stood strong on table 1 all day, until a Brett with Jon Snow finally took him down after Jon Snow’s 3rd visit to the top table in a hard fought 7-7 tie.
Free Folk players wiped out – 2% of players, same as Neutrals. One person came to the event with Free Folk, this is a huge leap from the previous version of the game, did Mance’s update truly make such a massive difference?
Baratheons lead the charge with 24% of players. Whilst being the most played faction you can split this statistic between the loyalties, and it would look more akin to the other fashion percentages. There wasn’t anything specific that stood out other than the usual. Eldon still does well even after his usual list changes, but Rightful Heir Stannis is chosen quite a lot as well.
Lannisters and Night’s Watch tied for second most players at 15% each, with Starks and Martells swiftly behind with 13% each. A good spread of players for each faction here, surprised to not see Night’s Watch and Lannisters higher for the power of Jon Snow and Kevan Lannister. This might be a good tournament to look at Martell stats as they are now competing with other factions closely with the pick rate.
Jon Snow, Rightful Heir Stannis, and Harmen Uller the most popular commanders.
Jon Snow, 22 games, 16 wins, 73%-win rate. As talked about in the Always Winter Tournament Article, Jon Snow has proven to be the best Commander in the game now. Whether this is down to early days for the other factions or that Night’s Watch didn’t change too drastically, currently Jon Snow is top with the win percentage, furthermore Jon Snow was taken for both lists by Second and First place. I believe this is down to all the free actions you can obtain with the Night’s Watch, and we have been down this road before with Othell. But nerfing Jon will cause adverse effects to the faction, there is just not another good Commander. We have the same problem with Targaryen’s where Khal Drogo tends to be the only good Commander for the faction. Rework Jon, rework free actions, and buff some of the lesser Commanders, start with Denys Mallister please.
Harmen Uller, 13 games, 9 wins, 69%-win rate. It is easy for a Martell Commander to shine since they only have 4 Commanders. Personally, I think Doran is the best with Obara being the worst. However, Uller has a great set of Tactics Cards, from free actions with Set for Charge, or Healing with Spiteful Truce, or buffing from Battle Endurance. I am unsure what truly makes this faction standout with Uller as they are just not widely released enough to play games against. However, I will urge you to watch the Sunday Slaughter games from the weekend to see how they play and listen to the Small Council Radio for some insights.
Kevan Lannister, 17 games, 9 wins, 53%-win rate. Whilst dominant now, picked a lot, and winning events, I do not think Kevan will be the best Commander in the meta, however I do think he is the best Commander Lannisters have at the moment. His cards are excellent, and whilst most people focus on his free actions from the Might of the Throne ability, the players are sneaking the brilliant cards past the opponents. Once people become familiar with Kevan and his tricks, they will adapt and counter.
Top 5 Players
5th – Kurt Pucci – Stannis Bratheon/Eldon Estermont
Expand for List 1 Stannis
Commander: Stannis Baratheon – The Rightful Heir
Baratheon Wardens ( 5 )
Stannis Baratheon – The Rightful Heir ( 0 )
R’hllor Lightbringers ( 6 )
Davos Seaworth – Onion Knight ( 1 )
Champions of The Stag ( 8 )
Glory Seeker ( 1 )
Stormcrow Mercenaries ( 5 )
Justin Massey – Cunning Follower ( 2 )
Melisandre ( 5 )
Patchface ( 4 )
Petyr Baelish ( 4 )
Expand for List 2 Eldon
Commander: Eldon Estermont – Lord of Greenstone
Baratheon Wardens ( 5 )
Eldon Estermont – Lord of Greenstone ( 0 )
Champions of The Stag ( 8 )
Champions of The Stag ( 8 )
Thorn Watch ( 6 )
Cortnay Penrose ( 4 )
Petyr Baelish ( 4 )
Lord Varys ( 5 )
4th – Brannon McDowell – Kevan Lannister/Tyrion Lannister
Expand for List 1 Kevan
Commander: Kevan Lannister – Protector of the Realm
Combat Units
Lannister Crossbowmen ( 6 )
Kevan Lannister – Protector of the Realm ( 0 )
Poor Fellows ( 4 )
Lannister Guardsmen ( 5 )
Gregor Clegane – The Mountain That Rides ( 4 )
Hedge Knights ( 7 )
Glory Seeker ( 1 )
Pycelle ( 4 )
Petyr Baelish ( 4 )
Tyrion Lannister ( 5 )
Expand for List 2 Tyrion
Commander: Tyrion Lannister – Halfman
Lannister Crossbowmen ( 6 )
Tyrion Lannister – Halfman ( 0 )
Gregor Clegane – The Mountain That Rides ( 4 )
Knights of Casterly Rock ( 8 )
Glory Seeker ( 1 )
House Clegane Brigands ( 6 )
Glory Seeker ( 1 )
Pycelle ( 4 )
Tywin Lannister ( 6 )
Petyr Baelish ( 4 )
3rd – Craig Gruenhagen – Harmen Uller/Roose Bolton
Expand for List 1 Harmen
Commander: Harmen Uller – Lord of Hellholt
Martell Spearmen ( 5 )
Harmen Uller – Lord of Hellholt ( 0 )
Starfall Outriders ( 6 )
Sunspear Royal Guard ( 7 )
Spearmen Captain ( 1 )
House Bolton Flayed Men ( 8 )
Ellaria Sand ( 4 )
Oberyn Martell ( 4 )
Tycho Nestoris ( 5 )
Expand for List 2 Roose
Commander: Roose Bolton – The Leech Lord
Sunspear Royal Guard ( 7 )
Roose Bolton – The Leech Lord ( 0 )
House Bolton Blackguards ( 6 )
Ramsay Snow – Sadist ( 2 )
Theon Greyjoy – Reek ( 0 )
Martell Spearmen ( 5 )
House Bolton Flayed Men ( 8 )
Nymeria Sand ( 4 )
Ellaria Sand ( 4 )
Oberyn Martell ( 4 )
2nd – Micah Brooks – Jon Snow/Jon Snow
Expand for List 1 Jon
Commander: Jon Snow – 998th Lord Commander
Ranger Hunters ( 7 )
Jon Snow – 998th Lord Commander ( 0 )
Sworn Brothers ( 7 )
Watch Captain ( 2 )
Ranger Vanguards ( 7 )
Coldhands – Mysterious Ally ( 4 )
Aemon ( 4 )
Bowen Marsh ( 4 )
Qhorin Halfhand ( 5 )
Expand for List 2 Jon
Commander: Jon Snow – 998th Lord Commander
Ranger Hunters ( 7 )
Jon Snow – 998th Lord Commander ( 0 )
Ranger Trackers ( 6 )
Ranger Vanguards ( 7 )
Ghost ( 3 )
Coldhands – Mysterious Ally ( 4 )
Aemon ( 4 )
Bowen Marsh ( 4 )
Qhorin Halfhand ( 5 )
1st – Brett Lanpher – Jon Snow/Jon Snow
Expand for List 1 Jon
Commander: Jon Snow – 998th Lord Commander
Ranger Hunters ( 7 )
Jon Snow – 998th Lord Commander ( 0 )
Coldhands – Mysterious Ally ( 4 )
Ghost ( 3 )
Ranger Vanguards ( 7 )
Ranger Trackers ( 6 )
Aemon ( 4 )
Donal Noye ( 4 )
Qhorin Halfhand ( 5 )
Expand for List 2 Jon
Commander: Jon Snow – 998th Lord Commander
Ranger Hunters ( 7 )
Jon Snow – 998th Lord Commander ( 0 )
Coldhands – Mysterious Ally ( 4 )
Ghost ( 3 )
Ranger Vanguards ( 7 )
Conscripts ( 5 )
Donal Noye ( 4 )
Qhorin Halfhand ( 5 )
Samwell Tarly ( 5 )
Gilly ( 0 )
An awesome event that gives us an insight into what the game looks like post patch. From the snippets and images shared of the event it does seem everyone who attended had lots of fun and will be attending the following one. There are other US events and FLG will be hosting some of these, check out the events page for more information.
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There’s too many!! Wait…
There’s too few!!