Hi all
Not to get your hopes up, but we sadly won’t be seeing the following kits moving to plastic. However, Forge World has just announced they are re working a number of kits to be compatible with the plastic sponsons!
I initially got really excited when I saw these photos as I have been dying to get a fleet of Arquitors for a while. Sadly, the updates are simply allowing the kits to function with the new plastic sponson design found in the plastic boxes.
The only other news of note is that Forge World will be releasing a new upgrade kit so that you can convert the plastic rhino to a Damocles command Rhino. Which is neat. While this news isn’t as exciting as these kits moving to plastic, it is nice that they working on improving the interoperability of parts.

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!