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Proxy Wars – A Konflikt Far Far Away (Part IV of IV)

Did you think I had forgotten about this little pet project? Not on your life! It’s time for the final installment of Proxy Wars – A Konflikt Far Far Away.

The goal of Proxy Wars has always been to get Legion players to try another game without forcing them to buy anything new. As always, I am basing my assumptions of what players are most likely to own on lists that have placed in recent tournaments. Thanks to Frontline Gaming hosting more events, I am getting a lot more data points! But more great news: a Galactic Republic player actually broke the top 4 at LVO and the top 5 at Adepticon, giving us a good idea of what kind of lists competitive Republic players might go for.

The Legion minis need to fit an army list from Konflikt ‘47 as seamlessly as possible. I have decided to use the Galactic Republic forces to represent the forces of Imperial Japan. I feel like American Forces may have been a more obvious choice, especially since I have not proxied them yet, but the unit choices and special rules for Japanese forces cannot be denied. The Japanese special rule Death Before Dishonor gives all of their infantry and artillery units the Fanatics rule, essentially preventing them from taking moral tests until there are almost none of them left, perfect for clones indoctrinated for war!

Clone Captain Rex (Battle Frame Second Lieutenant)  – 140 Points

This is a bit of a departure from other lists where I chose squishy lieutenants. Captain Rex is made of sturdier stuff, so he gets the special treatment here. He is representing three models, so three wounds, he is in a Battle Frame, which gives him 5+ wound shrugs, and his proxy squad is armed with two SMGs and a flag, which gives him the ability to rally troops within 12”. He’s a real combat leader!

Anakin Skywalker (5 Assault-Exoskeleton Infantry) – 125 Points

Only a Sith deals in absolutes, and young Darth Vader absolutely had to be on this list. Don’t like that price point fool you, he is far more dangerous than Rex, who’s value is mostly in his command abilities. Anakin, on the other hand, is built to kill! Unlike the heavy infantry of other nationalities, the Japanese assault-exos are FAST! Move 8”, run 9”, and still with a 5+ shrug. 4 out of the 5 men Anakin represents carry SMGs (the last one has a flag). As with other high powered force users, think of this short range firepower as Anakin choking, pushing and saber throwing like a maniac. The flag bearer gives him the ability to rally troops as well.

Padme Amidala (Kempeitai Political Officer + 2 men) – 29 Points

The Aname list is the hottest Republic list out there, so we couldn’t leave the second half of it behind! I went back and forth on how best to represent Padme, but ultimately I wanted to showcase the Japanese list’s unique choices rather than making her a standard officer-type. The political officer is not well armed (pistols) or armored (fancy jacket), but what they do bring to the battlefield is the Show Your Loyalty! Ability, which allows green troops to reroll their test when first fired upon. More on that below.

Phase I Clone Troopers (9 Conscripts) – 63 points x 2

Running Phase I clones as conscripts might be a little controversial, but have you seen the movies and tv shows? They kinda stand around in the open, blasting away and getting blasted. Also, these are the only green troops available to the Japanese, so we need them to fully utilize Political Officer Padme. The first time these guys come under fire they test to see if they remain inexperienced or if they become regulars, and Padme gives them a reroll on this test. The squad does not get special weapons, so no DC-15 or Z-6 in here. There are two squads of 9 because the Adepticon list had four squads of these guys, giving us 4 squad leaders and 16 troopers. I personally would simply leave out two of the squad leaders to make the units less visually confusing, but they could easily be included as an extra trooper, if you like.

Phase II Clone Troopers (7 Imperial Japanese Infantry) – 135 points

These guys have all the bells and whistles. They are regular infantry who have been given compression rifles which are sort of like very light machine guns, requiring no setup and firing three shots at a -1 penetration value. I like these for representing the extra firepower coordination of well trained clones. They also have the Z-6 representing the squad LMG and their light mortar.

Arc Troopers (7 Ghost Attack Troopers) – 140 points

This is a fun one! Ghost Attack troopers are armed with compression rifles, but any number of them can be upgraded to SMGs at no extra cost and they are all getting anti tank grenades because why not? They have a 5+ shrug to represent their extra survivability, but most importantly have Phase Fields to represent their elite infiltration capabilities. Phase Fields allow them to completely ignore terrain while moving, though they roll a D6 each time they pass through a terrain piece to see if their phase field glitches, making them suffer a pin. You will note that the squad has no heavy weapon options and for reasons I don’t recall is required to be 7 models, so any Arc Trooper carrying a DC-15X is just holding a normal compression rifle

Phase I Z-6 Trooper (Inexperienced Medium Machine Gun) – 35 points

The army list only has a single MMG slot, but we have four models. We can run four MMGs, or we can run multiple models as a single unit. The actual unit is supposed to be comprised of 3 minis, so that is what I have elected to do here, use three minis to represent a single weapon, but totally up to you.

Phase I DC-15 Trooper (Regular Sniper Team) – 50 x 2

Sniper teams are two models in K47, so each of our sniper teams gets two DC-15 troopers. I would have made them inexperienced to fit the Phase I theme, but that’s not an option for this list. I wish the DC-15X could take this spot, as it is actually supposed to be a sniper rifle, but it is needed to keep the Ghost Attack Squad at full strength and this gives the Phase I models something to do.

And that does it for the minis most commonly found in an Aname tournament list. It looks really fun and I would love to try them out on the tabletop, but this list is a little slim, coming in at just 830 points, so let’s see where we can get with some honorable mentions


Obi-Wan Kenobi (Battle-Frame Major) – 240 points

BOOM! General Kenobi (Major Kenobi?) is a Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robot you DO NOT want to mess with! He’s fast, a tough fighter (successful attacks generate more attacks), has a 5+ shrug and throws a lightsaber almost as well as Anakin. Also he looks freaking cool in armor!

Phase I Upgrade Set

Phase I Clone Captain (Forward Observer) – 100 Points

Phase I RPS-6 Trooper (Inexperienced Anti-tank Rifle Team) – 21 points

Phase I DP-23 Trooper (Regular Flamethrower Team) – 50 points. I know it’s supposed to be a shotgun, but the flamethrower is actually not a bad representation. It does a lot of damage at close range and can operate on its own.

BARC Speeder (Regular Type 95 Kurogane w/ Pintle Mounted MMG) – 38 Points

It’s tough making the BARC speed a soft skin, but what else can I do with the crew riding it like a motorcycle? I would have made it a motorcycle if they were on any Japanese lists.

Infantry Support Platform (Locust Medium Battlewalker) – 210 points

It probably sounds weird to take a walker and turn it into a support platform that is supposed to be mostly stationary, and it is. You will need to take away most of the walker’s, um, walking ability to make it work, but the armaments and armor are pretty good analogues.

TX-130 Saber-class Fighter Tank (Regular Type 3 Chi-Nu Medium Tank) – 195 points

It doesn’t have the lateral GA-6m Laser Cannons, but it has MMGs out the front and back, an AT gun as the main cannon that can be upgraded to a compression for 40 more points. It’s also reasonably tough!

There you go, Clone troopers representing the forces of Imperial Japan. I think this list would be a blast on the tabletop. Thanks for joining me on this Star Wars themed journey through the weird void in 1940s space time. Until next time, happy hobbying!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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