There have been a ton of previews coming out of Adepticon from a small wargaming company called Games Workshop (maybe you have heard of them). They are doing a pretty good job at creating hype over their upcoming releases, but they could learn a thing or two from Para Bellum Games and their announcement for their upcoming Conquest releases. Sure, GW has a cool 5 minute animated video of Space Marines fighting Tyranids, but this is something we have all seen before. You know what we all haven’t seen before? A Battle Brontosaurus.
Para Bellum has announced a ton of new models coming to their W’adrhun faction for Conquest. The most exciting, and biggest, announcement was for the W’adrhun Drum Beast! For those of you who haven’t checked out Conquest already, the W’adrhun are Para Bellum’s take on Orcs. Except these Orcs were a genetically engineered race created by the Spires who managed to survive being used as fodder during a Dwegholm invasion to bloom into their own awesome society (head over to Para Bellum’s website to check out more on the lore for the factions!) Oh, and they ride dinosaurs if you hadn’t noticed. The W’adrhun already had dinosaur models within their faction consisting of an Apex Predator (T-Rex), raptors, and tiny baby dinos, but this new model may be the best yet.
Next, we have two more W’adrhun units in the Thunder Riders and the Chosen of Conquest. The Chosen of Conquest are extremely elite infantry that pack a huge punch, and their models look amazing. Unfortunately, they are a little overshadowed by the other unit in this preview picture. The Thunder Riders are absolutely devastating shock cavalry that bring an entire new set of tactics to the W’adrhun army. One of the coolest things about Conquest is that all of the rules for these new Regiments are already up on the Para Bellum army builder! While some of them are sure to change with some upcoming playtesting, players can get the feel of these units long before they are released. Take the Thunder Riders for example, with special rules like Linebreaker, Trample, and Brutal Impact it is clear Para Bellum wants this unit to be the elite shock cavalry of the faction.

The first thing that is coming out for the W’adrhun is their new One Player Starter Set coming in May. This W’adrhŭn set is loaded with a Regiment of Blooded and Slingers, a set of Hunting Pack Dinos, a Regiment of Raptor Riders, and the Predator character. These starter sets are always an awesome place to get started with Conquest as they come with both the full First Blood and Last Argument of Kings rules along with enough Regiments to play some solid smaller games of Conquest! If you are just looking to see if the game is for you without the purchase though, remember Para Bellum has all of their rules over on their website completely for free! With a fully functional army builder too!
All of these W’adrhun models are going to be released throughout this year, and if you have any interest in playing Conquest I cannot recommend it enough. The game is extremely strategic, the models are amazing, Para Bellum does a wonderful job keeping up with the community for rules questions/updates, and its player base is growing quickly! Check out some of the already released Starter Sets over on the FLG webstore to jump into this awesome wargame.