Hi all,
We have heard some rumors that when the Old World Launches the Tomb Kings will be fighting the Bretonnians in the starter box. Those rumors look a lot more likely with today’s Warhammer Community post:

In this post we got to see the first actual previews of the kits the design team is working on. Alongside some great looking helmets and shields, there are also an assortment of weapons to gaze at.

The details are amazing and capture that knightly aspect for the faction we all know and love. While this would be more than enough to reassure those who are wondering when the release will come, we also got another interesting reveal. Alongside the knight previews we got this image:

Huh! So it looks like the Tomb Kings are also being worked on in parallel to the Bretonnians. Now, it is too soon to say that the starter set will contain these two forces. These are two lines that lost 100% of their models and need to be built from the ground up. These are also two very popular factions that will grab players eyes. However, I find it very exciting that these two neglected armies may become the poster-children for the Old World!
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