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Rip and Tear – Blades of Khorne Previews

Well today has been a crazy day of big reveals for GW. Capping it off we get to see some of the new rules for the upcoming Blades of Khorne battletome!

The first preview shows off how the locus of Fury works. While your units are more than 8″ away from enemy models they get a 5+ Ward save. You also lose it if your unit ever retreats (very thematic!)

I do like how they are trying to restrict the availability of Ward saves a bit, and it makes a lot of narrative sense. Your opponent might be able to play around this though so using it wisely will be key. I imagine the Blades of Khorne will have some tricks up their sleeve to make your opponent think twice before sending a sacrificial unit forward.

While the mortals do not benefit from such a defense they do net a nasty ability.

While not equal to their full slate of attacks this ability is good source of mortal wounds that will punish other melee armies. You can leave a few of these units until later in the activation chain as you can rely on them to chip away at enemy units as they are killed.

The Blades of Khorne are keeping there Blood Tithe abilities and an extra attack will help them build that tally as they mow through enemy units!

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