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Adeptus Titanicus – Beam him up!

While I feel that Adeptus Titanicus will perpetually live in my mind as that game I think looks really cool but never get around to playing, they keep making it harder to avoid jumping in. In today’s Warhammer Community article we got to see the new super-sized Conversion Beam weapons on display!

Now, not to brag but, I remember when the first conversion beam weapon was released for the 5th ed. Space Marine Codex back in the distant past (when techmarines on bikes with these weapons was meta #ThingsOnly90’sKidsRemember). It’s cool to see how they have developed them out into their own unique class of weaponry.

The thing to remember about these weapons is that they get stronger the further away you are. This makes you have to be extra careful in how you position and employ your engines. In Adeptus Titanicus that means a Warhound’s weapon jumps from S9 to S11 at long range.

This does draw heavily on your reactor though. If you want to get spicy you can use the the Maximal Fire trait to push the strength of the weapon by 2 making it even stronger than the Warbringer Titan’s belicosa volcano cannon!

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