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Theory-Crafting the New Cogs of Vashtorr Army of Renown

Hi All,
Yesterday we discussed the new Arks of Omen Army of Renown: the Cogs of Vashtorr. It’s a niche set of rules, very focused on daemon engines. That being said it does supply them with some decent buffs that can make for an interesting skew list. While I am not too experience with Arks of Omen games here are some ideas I thought up that could maximize certain aspects of its rules. These lists will focus on employing super heavy Daemon Engines.

Scorpion Build
I really like the Greater Brass Scorpion, and it can really take advantage of the Cogs of Vashtorr 5+++ Relic.

Warpsmith – Relic: Talisman of the Forge
Decimator – 2x Soul burner Petards
Decimator – 2x Soul burner Petards
Decimator – 2x Soul burner Petards
Fast Attack
Blood Slaughterer – Extra blade
Blood Slaughterer – Extra blade
Blood Slaughterer – Extra blade
Greater Blight Drone
Greater Blight Drone
Greater Blight Drone

Greater Brass Scorpion

This list is quite fast that has a number of shooting options as well as melee. Forge Surge is lethal on the Petards as you are shooting 6 shots with each. Plus you are always getting exploding 6’s and can get re-rolls to hit for a lot of mortal wounds but that does use a three CP. The Blood Slaughterers are another sneaky pick as they can take advantage of the strat to shoot, run and charge. You can go with the harpoon instead of the extra blade, as the harpoon effect can be nasty but the blades give you 6 attacks.

The bloat drones are your back line objective holders with a 5+++ and can be healed by the warpsmith. They have medium strength guns with some AP for clearing chaff or shipping wounds off of dreadnoughts. You can swap them for Venom Crawlers and use the Decimators as the backfield but they are short range and an extra 60 points buys you very little.

Lord of Skulls Build
Thomas the murder train can also pair nicely with Vashtorr. With an endless amount of guns the exploding 6’s are very useful. This is a much more aggressive build relying on waves of venomcrawlers to inflict damage.

Decimator – 2x Soul burner Petards
Decimator – 2x Soul burner Petards
Decimator – 2x Soul burner Petards
Fast Attack
6x Venom Crawlers
Khorne Lord of Skulls

As stated above, you will be relying on your decimators to hold objectives, although a venom crawler can do the job. You don’t have a ton of shooting in this list so you need to allocate it cleverly. Foul Alterations is your friend here allowing the Lord of Skulls to advance, shoot and charge.

Alternate builds: A Kytan Ravager works well as a sub for the Lord of Skulls. You give up some attacks and wounds but become a good bit faster. The extra 125 can also buy you a back line squad of marines or some other buffing character.

Ever since 7th edition I thought it would be fun to run an all daemon engine list. While I doubt any these lists will win a big tournament they look fun as hell to play and can surprise your opponent. Let me know if I missed anything in army creation. I know the rules have shifted a lot recently but it does make it easier to run wonky lists.

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