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Everyone gets a Floaty Chair! New Seraphon Reveals

The hit parade for Age of Sigmar continues as we get to see our next peek at some of the upcoming models. It looks like the whole model line for the Seraphon is being revamped and expanded. I don’t think we have seen a refresh this big in Age of Sigmar since the Soulblight Gravelords revamp *heh heh*) and so it is very exciting!

The new model being previewed in today’s Warhammer Community page is the Skink Starseers. This is a big departure for the Seraphon line as, while skink priests have existed for a while, they don’t seem to have the level of reverence as the Slaan. I wonder if this echoes a change in the lore?

It would appear the palanquins used by the skinks are very similar to the Slann and will likely have similar rules. The constellations on the back of the seat are a great touch and really add to the miniature.

In battle, they have a powerful ability. Once per battle in the hero phase, the model can choose to “Scry the Stars”. They roll a number of dice equal to the current battle round, with each roll of 2 or more blessing a unit with a 5+ ward. This can be a great boon but you have to use it wisely as waiting too long can make the buff useless and using it too soon could fail. I like risk-reward mechanics like this. While they make you more susceptible to RNG they make the game livelier.

Well, that does it for today’s recap. It looks like the skinks are going to be a major part of the new Seraphon line and I wouldn’t be surprised as Skink-only armies become a very viable path moving forward. These new models are looking amazing and GW is nailing the aesthetic!

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