ASOIAF has several Commanders that are incredibly fun to play. Whether this is due to how accurately they represent the characters from the books, or how their playstyle performs on the tabletop. However, there are some that feel bad when using them. With an update unlikely to arrive for these Commanders, I wanted to give some advice on how to reduce the ‘Feels Bad’ when playing with them, starting with Joffrey Baratheon. We will not be alone in this endeavour, as the best Joffrey player in the world, Kyle Webb, will be joining us today to help.
Why does Joffrey feel bad?
Lore wise, his rules feel very accurate to the character. You gain a benefit that helps you to kill a unit however there is also a negative to the buff you use which always comes with Panic tokens to represent the weak loyalty to the boy king. The problem with any game that offers bonuses to a faction, is that ones that give negatives are automatically worse than ones that do not. On top of this, anything that requires you to do something to gain an ability is worse than something that gives it out right.
For example, I Am The King! Gives a defensive buff but loads the defender unit up with tokens. Whereas Jaime Lannister’s Kingslayer’s prowess gives you three different buffs for combat and no negatives. Whilst it makes sense lore wise for this to be the case, game wise it puts Joffrey at a significant disadvantage.
Another example, Traitors, I Will Have Their Heads! Gives Vicious to any unit that attacks a specific unit for the round, if you fail to kill that unit, then negatives come into effect. Compare this to Northern Ferocity with Starks that just gives Vicious and extra buffs for any attack. There is more needed to be done to gain similar effects with Joffrey than other factions/commanders.
Kyle – Elephant in the Room – giving a total of 3 VPs away if him and his unit dies – in a game where the main competitive focus in recent events and GT has been points play over killing this has been a real put off and a clincher – but I can’t see it getting changed and weirdly i thinks it’s a benefit I’ll come onto later.
Cards have in built nerfs – I actually think Joffrey has some of the best aggressive Lannister commander cards there is but I’ve put this here because so many mention to me “His cards are crap because they have nerfs”
He is not a veteran commander, he’s a spoilt brat and this is very reflective, Joffrey is great if things are going his way but if not it’s chaos I.e., kings landing riot – reflected in the cards and I am fine with this as it’s in line with the fluff
Kingsguard – now I’m aware some choose to put Joffrey in say a unit of Guardsmen, but the Kingsguard are built for him so let’s look at them and in short. 8 wounds on a unit that essentially is worth 3 points is a risk, as the game has focused on big heavy cavalry charges recently – looking at Tully cavalry etc and there’s in potential for this unit to be absolutely popped
Overall, you need to work harder for buffs than other factions. These buffs tend to be the same or a little bit better but come with a negative that seriously harms your force. Plus, your Commander gives away two additional VPs likely on a 8 wound unit because the Kingsguard are great, just fragile. Although all of this is a perfect representation of the character, and there are ways to make him work, they just aren’t as easy compared to switching to an easier king.
Update Soon?
The Balance Patch has been rumoured to surface soon but this gives no indication when and at what amount. Previous updates have not done much to change Joffrey for the better and is unlikely to do so this time around with the focus to be on other factions.
The change can be so simple, reduce the negatives and remove the VPs on Joffrey. Players will not get a sense of feeling bad for just picking the Commander whilst remaining true to the design. Perhaps all the cards should just give panic as a negative?
Kyle – I only have 2 fixes for Joffrey
Controversially I wouldn’t take away the fact he gives away points as technically he is the king now.
1) I’d give the Kingsguard Disrupt. This goes with Counter Strike and yes, they are 6 points but balances out the fact they have 8 wounds and gives them less chance of being one shotted by Cavalry or an elite unit.
2) Joffrey’s Traitors, I Will Have Their Heads! It’s the only one of the 3 cards that targets units in short range instead of the unit attacking so the debuff doesn’t out way the buff in this case. Have it only target units that attacked.
Carly – I have 3 fixes for Joffrey in a different direction.
1) Get rid of the VPs or reduce it to only 1. Or give away none and keep the panic bomb when he dies. Mother of Dragons was reduced to 1 VP and came with an ability that helps you. Joffrey does not.
2) Change all negatives on the tactics cards to things that revolve around morale. Panic tokens, panic tests etc
3) Improve the Kingsguard. This unit should be the most powerful force in the game. They are made up of some of the best fighters in the seven kingdoms. They should be tough to take down, and pack a punch, so make them so, increase the points if needs be. Currently they are a liability if not used like a skirmisher.
Wishful thinking aside, what can we do with Joffrey as he stands right now?
How to Play
Kyle – How to play Joff current stay
1) Play into the fact he has points – most players will be drawn to that prize – I usually run 2 units of Casterly Knights ready to close in on anyone brave enough to run after Joffrey.
2) Don’t think Kingsguard are invincible – use them to hold objectives and make opponents come to you ready to counter charge.
3) BURN ALL BANNERS – huge damage potential and if you’re burning more than one you want to burn them all, Joffrey is all or nothing.
4) Built around his cards, Joffrey’s +2 dice and Sundering card is so damn powerful on the charge.
Carly – Think about the damage potential of this card on Flayed Men or even Golden Company Elephants. Even in a pinch could this turn units like Cutthroats or even Guardsmen into something to fear.
Kyle – And being able to auto block 2 hits is very crucial if timed right
5) Synergise – I would say I’m a solid average Lannister player – but I know if you’re not synergising the cards and combos it just isn’t Lannister, Joffrey loves Pycelle with his token barrage, keep pumping weakened out to units on Joffrey’s flank etc
Roose Bolton enhances the chances of Traitors, I Will Have Their Heads! being viable. You Will Obey Me! +2 attack dice and Sundering – build units into this. Joffrey with a full banner burn loves this card’s huge damage potential. Knights love it for 12 on charge.
Cutthroats with the hound have amazing regen especially with Joffrey for hitting power and auto blocks on defence dice.
Kyle – Joffrey is THE commander to go for to play an aggressive Lannister play style, in my experience opponents either avoid the Kingsguard because of my rep for a full banner burn or they try to take him early but having knights nearby in my latest list has really counteracted this.
Joffrey is a high-risk high reward, he gives the biggest punches, but they have to be timed right, and having played him solid for a year, taking him to the GT to have a laugh, and then having gone serious with him he has huge potential for upsets. Recent 10-man event I came 2nd losing to Psycoste by 10-8 24 units destroyed to 20,
Joffrey is competitive!
Carly – Every Commander has the potential to shine, which is why this game is beloved. You can bring your favourite units/characters and if you play well enough with them you will see great results. Joffrey may be down in the dumps, but do not count him out. The right charge, card, banner will change everything.
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