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Duncan Rhodes Plays A Song of Ice and Fire at LVO 2023

The A Song of Ice and Fire tournament at LVO this year had 38 players participate. Duncan Rhodes graced the tournament with his presence for a game when he played one of the judges, Karl. Duncan fielded the Night’s Watch and Karl fielded House Martell.

Karl won the game, although Duncan was hampered because he only brought a starter box army, as it was easier for travel. Duncan unfortunately did not have time to play more games, as he had other obligations at the convention. Duncan did judge the painting competition for the game, and seemed like an all-around great guy.

The A Song of Ice and Fire tournament in progress:

Since the tournament was run on, we have some nice statistics on the tournament.

The faction breakdown was fairly diverse, with noticeably more Martell players (not surprising as they are the new faction), noticeably fewer Targaryen players, and no Neutral players (also not surprising as they have fewer unit options right now). Free Folk, Lannister, and Baratheon came out ahead by win-rate. Targaryen did well too, but there was only 1 Targaryen player. The commander entries above also show the most entered commanders and the top commanders by win-rate. There are factions that are better and worse than others, but a good player can make any faction work. As an example, the results of this tournament differ from the statistics on, proving that individual player skill matters a lot.

Here are the top 10 finishers. The tournament was 5 rounds of swiss format. It is interesting to note that even though Lannister had a high win-rate, the top finishing Lannister player was 10th. The final game was a lore-accurate Battle at the Wall, with the House Baratheon, led by Stannis Baratheon [Kurt], beating the Free Folk, led by Mance Rayder [Rhett]. Sunday Slaughter steamed the game, and several others throughout the event.

Stream of the finals game:

Group photo

The event was run very smoothly, and a great time was had by all. CMON provided generous prize support as well. A group dinner rounded out the event. It was my first time there, and I had a fun time, so don’t hesitate to go to big events like this if you haven’t yet. I am already looking forward to next year, and hopefully the event just keeps growing as it did this year.

If you think you might be interested in this game, here is a brief overview.

If you don’t have a local game store, or they don’t stock the game, Frontline Gaming has a large selection of A Song of Ice and Fire products.

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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