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A Matter of Honor – a Warhammer Fantasy Battle Report

Hi All,
This is part 2 of my article series on a narrative 8th ed battle report I ran recently. In my past article, I covered the rules and in this one I will run through the battle. Unfortunately a few people had to back out at the last minute leaving just myself and another player with 3000 points a side.

The battlefield was set up with five objectives to fight over. The towns in each corner, the temple, the Inn and the Lord’s Manor.

The Orks and Goblins (O&G) set up with the majority of their artillery on the left flank and the monsters on the right. As they set up first they also get +2 to go first.

The Wood Elves strung themselves out to the right using their scouts to drop into a few objectives. The core of the line is held by the Treeman Ancient, the Treekin and Eternal Guard.

Turn 1:

The O&G tear forward. The river slows down a lot of their troops but the Boars rush forward with the aid of the Hand of Mork. Shooting sees the Orks remove a wound from one Treekin but little else.

The Wood Elves match the Ork ferocity as the Treekin and Wildriders (who failed a Frenzy check) hit the Boar Boyz. In the magic phase the Treeman Ancient gets off Throne of Vines but nothing else. Elf shooting plinks a few wounds off of the various mangler squigs, spiders and the giant. Combat sees the Wild Riders decimate the Boar Boyz and overrun in front of the Savage Orks.

Turn 2:
On turn 2 the O&G continue to push forward. The Treeman Ancient and Eternal Guard are almost hit by a mangler squig but it stops short by 1″. The Savage Orks hit the Wildriders. Magic is largely non-effective although the Savage Ork unit gets re-rolls to hit. The Ork shooting phase actually achieves something as the rock lobba hits the Eternal Guard dead on and kills five. The Savage Orks easily crush the Wild Riders but can only surge into the middle of the river.

The Wood Elves try to catch the orks in the river with the Eternal Guard and Treekin units. The Warhawk Riders charge the doom diver catapult and try to tie up the O&G arty. The Great Eagle hits the Squig Riders in the flank.

Nothing happens in the magic phase again. Wood elf shooting pulls down the massive spider as well as both mangler squig units (Strangleroots meme choice for the Treeman Ancient coming in clutch here). Combat gets weird. The Eagle inflicts no wounds and takes one from the riders but still wins combat by 1. The squigs fail their leadership and run off the board. The Warhawks also easily handle the Doom Diver and overrun into the lobba. I know I will lose them to a flank charge but I need to stop it from firing again. The melee in the river gets bloody with the Savage Orks dealing enough damage to win combat but both the wood elf units hold.

Turn 3

The Trolls now join the combat and the squig herd charges the Warhawk Riders. The rest of the O&G army continues to move forward but is slowed by the river. Magic is again largely dispelled. Combat is brutal with two treekin going down and all but five of the Eternal Guard are killed. They manage to pull down a few more orks this time but still lose combat. The Treekin break while the eternal guard hold. Combat sees the Warhawks kill a few squigs and almost kill the lobba. The squigs kill two warhawks and the third runs off the board.

In what I hope isn’t a bad idea, the Treeman Ancient flank charges the trolls and the great eagles charges the squig herd in the rear. While the wood elves pivot their shooting at the giant. In the magic phase the Treeman gets Flesh to Stone off but nothing else.

Shooting pulls a few wounds off the giant and kills most of the squig herd but not much else. In combat the treeman does nothing and the last eternal guard are killed. the Shadowdancer fails her morale and is run down. The Great Eagle kills a few handlers and takes no wounds in return. The Squig herd runs off the board and the eagle pursues into the lobba.

Turn 4:

The giant and squig herd charge the Gladeguard unit (the weaver having made an expeditious exit the previous turn). Overwatch almost kills it but falls 1 wound short.

With diminishing numbers of units the turns now speed up the. Savage Orks reform for a flank charge and the remaining Goblin units close in to tray and release their fanatics. In the shooting phase a Goblin Spear Chukka manages to kill 2 WIld RIders hiding in terrain (needing a 7+ to hit lol). In combat the Giant rolls “Jump up and Down” and squishes 10 elves. The Squigs also chip in and easily win combat although on the handlers are left. The trolls cannot do anything to the T10 Treeman who finally kills the one with only 1 wound remaining.

On the Wood Elf turn the Wild Riders charge the giant and that’s about it. The Treeman gets flesh to Stone off again, casting with irresistible force but not suffering any damage from it (I forgot the 2+ ignore for Throne of Vines). With a tremendous crunch the treeman obliterates a troll with treewhack! This causes the rest of the unit to panic and flee, getting run down by the treeman in the process. The Wild Riders barely are able to kill the giant but manage to do it.

Turn 5

In this turn the Orgs and Goblins player basically tried to kill the Treeman. All the goblin units moved up and released their fanatics. All six hit but only did a single wound. The Goblin Shaman left the unit to its fate.

The Treeman decided to vent her wrath on the lone shaman as a way to justify paying 20points for Strangle roots. Easily wiping him out.

At the end of the battle the Wood Elves had managed to hold most of the objectives through the game as well as win the glory total. The O&G player was more focused on killing and so this wasn’t too surprising.

Well that turned out quite well. I forget how high point value WHFB battles can actually play pretty fast! Throne of Vines turned out to be a major turning point as getting +4 to my toughness on the treeman made her unkillable (especially when pared with regaining wounds due to the Lore of Life). I was kinda hoping for the Treekin to do more but going into S5 re-rolling to hit orks was rough, especially when my opponent did well on his saves and I am only S4. Beyond that the scenario worked well but might have been a bit too complicated. I would like to try it again with more people and see how it goes!

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