Hey everyone, Danny from TFG Radio here, and while it has been awhile writing, GW knows how to pull me right back. While I was wrapping up judging the largest 40K tournament in the world, I also got a beautiful gift: World Eaters go up for pre-order next week! My wallet certainly is going to feel the bleed, but hey, Blood for the Blood God! Today, we are going to dive deep into the preview of the Blood Tithe, World Eaters’ new mechanic to help us serve that most righteous cause: skulls for skull throne.
Blood Tithe Points are the new, faction special ability for World Eaters, and really, it is very similar to the Blood Tithe points in Blades of Khorne from Age of Sigmar, and a bit like the long ago Chaos Daemonkin codex. Essentially, whenever a unit is destroyed, friendly or enemy, you immediately gain 1 Blood Tithe Point (BTP). That’s not all, you can score 1 additional BTP each phase if a Vehicle/Monster/Character was destroyed, and even 1 more additional BTP if a Titanic model is destroyed. So yah, the more things die, the more BTP you have to spend. This is certainly a fluffy mechanic that makes total sense for the servants of Khorne, but the real question is, what do you get?
Well hello, gorgeous. Rage-Fueled Invigoration is amazing as it only costs 3 BTP, which isn’t a lot depending on what you killed or what died, but then having a permanent +1 to charges changes math quite a bit. Charges out of reserve become far more likely, especially with a reroll as you get closer into the friendly part of that statistical distribution, and who knows what other ways there may be to boost charges like warlord traits or relics, so again, this just seems like one of the first that you absolutely want to trigger, and I can see building armies that utilize a lot of reserves hit to maximize this.
Total Carnage and Spiteful Nullification are both somewhat situational but incredibly impactful when they are needed. Total Carnage is solid either way as just getting to convert 16% of your attacks to wounds is awesome, but against lower toughness armies, you may want to save those BTPs for other things, and with Spiteful Nullification, if you aren’t going against a mortal wound heavy army, you can save the 2 for getting something else faster. That said, when these matter, like going up against heavy armor or against a mortal wound based list, these can be what really make it a game for you, and if nothing else, that’s important tactical flexibility that a mostly melee army is going to need to win games.
Of course, you cannot forget Reborn in Blood, which is quite honestly the coolest thing I have seen in 40K in a long time. Being able to revive Angron and put him into reserve is amazing, and it makes him almost an auto-include, depending on points, just for the threat saturation. You need to kill Angron because he is a fast beatstick and a half, but that means you aren’t focusing on the other forces, and then being able to bring Angron back, and with a shorter charge range out of reserve? That’s a recipe for massive success. I can really, really imagine an MSU style list with Angron that is built to maximize generating BTP. By sling-shotting the big boy all over while the smaller squads navigate the board, you can force you opponent to either ignore Angron and kill your easier targets, but this gives you BTP, or they can let those smaller units do what they want, but that’s not gonna go well for the opponent in combat or the mission.
BTP is an amazing mechanic that gives some much-needed tools to what is going to be a relatively one-dimensional army. As a long, long time Khorne player, getting busy with chainaxes is glorious but can be tough to do well against a lot of different forces, but the tools that we have seen so far really give me hope for a strong, workable codex.
Thanks as always for reading, and you can bet that I’ll be putting out lots of content about World Eaters. Be sure to get those pre-orders in at Frontline Gaming, and be sure to check out all the great LVO 2023 coverage. Don’t forget to stop by TFGradio as our usual LVO recap episode is imminent.
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