While there were some mixed reactions to the 40k releases the Age of Sigmar release was met with wide acclaim.
The Slaan Starmaster captures both the historical essence of the mini while also updating it to the newer higher standard. This model is dripping with details and I cannot say enough good things about it. GW tends to go a little “extra” on the Age of Sigmar models but this one balances that well. There is a lot that jumps out to you right away but the more you look the more you will find.

Right after that they show the new Raptadon models which also impressed me. These guys not only look cute, but also keep the lizard-aztec theme going while fitting the aesthetic of the older models. They will be prime candidates for conversion to exodite models and are simply gorgeous.

Lastly, we also got to see the new Saurus warriors, which did not disappoint. For a while now they have been one of the worst looking units in the army (Kroxigors say hi) which is a sad as they look amazing in Total War Warhammer. Well they now have the kit they deserve!

The craziest thing about this release is not nay of the new sculpts. The crazy thing is that there is a lot more to come (fingers crossed for new Kroxis). The Seraphone have long had to live with a dual nature of having some of the best and worst kits in Age of Sigmar. With these releases it’s hard not to bump them right to the top as the best looking faction in the game. The models are so good my younger brother is thinking about starting AoS just because of them!
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