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Big Trouble in Little Gotham! – The LVO Batman Tournament!

Dice, drinks, a few batarangs and a Joker bomb! It’s all happing at The Batman Miniatures Game LVO Tournament this weekend! Hey Gothamites, It’s your Warden of Arkham here The Warp Forge ready to show you what the Best Batman Tournament in the world looks like!

In the Spotlight!

One of main attractions to any tournament is the Terrain and Batman packs the most diverse, unique and engaging boards in any game and the LVO perfectly reflect that with the passion the BigTumbToe  Gaming puts onto his boards making a variety of boards with that dash of Gotham so you know you’re fighting for the soul of the city!

From the gates of a serious place on a serious earth: Arkham Asylum…

… To the Streets of the City (Seriously where else do you see Gorgeous Airships and Monorails adding that platform dynamism to Batclaw to and from for in any other skirmish game) …

…To Gotham’s local Chinatown…

…And fighting in Gotham’s most popular Mall! Both inside and outside.

These are just some of the boards that you could be playting on and are labour of community love which just shows how much love and passion there is for this game who want to help out and make each event bigger and better than before. If you want to find where to get some awesome 3X3 mats check out the FLG store

Gotham is mine!

With many big events comes big prize support and the BMG Tournament Official Lance, keeps bringing the bigger and better prize support each year. Lance goes hand in his own pocket to make sure each event is one that players won’t forget. These pictures are the prize support from last few years and it’s clear that each event is brimming with the madness that Gotham brings!

The support comes straight from the TO themselves and it just goes to show how much dedication and passion this community brings to these events to make sure that these events are the best there is. It’s a wholesome element to see a community really band together and help each other out from making awesome boards to supporting the event with prize support themselves and they deserve all the praise and glory to make these events happen.

All I can say is I wish I was there (damn, being stuck in the UK) with my own Freeze Crew to Freeze the streets of Gotham because those boards look amazing to play on! My envy is incomprehensible and I hope everyone there has great fun rolling dice, flipping coins, cracking jokes, making riddles, and doing their best Tom Hardy impressions.

Remember folks the BMG LVO tournament will be based in the Tango room if you wanna see the cranage for yourself. I know I’ll be keeping an eye on the various crews, playstyles, synergies, and objective decks to give you the best lowdown’s of how each crew has performed and who will take the crown, down in the streets and slum of our beautiful city. This is The Warp Forge, signing out and I’ll see you on the Streets of Gotham. Same Bat-Time! Same Bat-Channel!

The Warp Forge

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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