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Where’s the Beef? – New Beasts of Chaos reveals

Hi all,
Today Games Workshop reveal some new tidbits about the upcoming Beasts of Chaos Battletome. While many of the smaller models have suffered from older sculpts, the Beasts have some amazing monster sculpts and now we get to see their new faction rules.

This prayer makes it a lot easier to seize your opponent’s objectives, and can really punish them if they bunch up their heroes. What does this have to do with your big units though? Well the Quakefray faction can use a Cygor as a priest unit!

Let’s say you want to focus more on your spawn units. The Gavespawn faction allows you to take enhances units of spawn that only take up a single slot. Furthermore, they also have more reliable movement, attacks and even a pretty devastating ranged attack:

Lastly, are you worried that you will have to choose between being sneaky and stompy? Well fear not dear reader! (Unless you are not a Beasts player. Then you should probably fear a bit) Gavespawns and Quakefray units can still be set up in ambush!

Want to get a head start on your Beasts of Chaos army? Well head on over to the FLG store and pick some up!

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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