Whilst we continue to wait for the Martells to release, we were gifted with the rules for the Crannogman Bog Devils and Frozen Shore Hunters. Alongside the announcement of these two boxes was the Greyjoy Attachments 1 and Targaryen Attachments 1. Whilst we have received some clues to the contents of the Reed and Free Folk units, we have heard nothing but the name for the Attachment Boxes. I want to see if we can predict what could be inside.
How Do We Know This?
In November retailers began listing new Martell units with some other units for other factions with the most popular one being looked at was the Asmodee Canada website. An EU retailer had a list of names and codes showing the titles of a few boxes on their way including the Attachment Boxes for Greyjoys and Targaryens. Today we will look at the Targaryens and what they might bring to the table to shake up list building but keep an eye out for the Greyjoy article later this week.
All Attachment Boxes have six attachments in them, with Baratheons having seven (probably due to the split loyalties).
With all Attachment Boxes we see the Attachments from the Starter Set be included in the box. Lannister, Starks, and Baratheons all had their two attachments featured in their respective boxes, whereas Night’s Watch and Free Folk only had one attachment in their starters which showed up in their boxes. It is safe to assume that this will be the case for the Targaryen Box.
Something else I have noticed is that within most attachment boxes there is one attachment which already exists before the box’s release that then receives a resculpt and the rest are new. For example, Lannisters have the Champion of the Faith, Starks have the Crannogman Warden, Night’s Watch had the Watch Recruiter, and Baratheons had the Red Priestess. The Free Folk box is the only one that does not follow this rule and switches it around for one model being new and the rest being resculpts.
Some of the models are for units that exist but without Attachments that came with them, others are for future releases yet to come. Baratheons had the Highgarden Captain and Thorn Watch Sentinel hinting at the future Renly releases, and Lannisters had the Clegane Butcher and Sentinel Enforcer.
So the box should have:
- Attachment(s) from the Starter Box
- 1 Attachment that already exists
- 3-4 New Attachments
But this could be completely different from what we get due to how much of an anomaly the Free Folk Box is.
Screamer KO and Outrider KO – The two Attachments from the Starter Box which double up as the Dothraki Veterans Unit. There could be an argument here that these models will not be a part of the box set as you can obtain them from the Dothraki Veterans box. Could this be the first Attachment box that does not include the Starter Box Attachments? I am willing to bet that this will be the case as CMON have only ever included one cavalry attachment in the boxes and these already have a box. However, I don’t think thai rules out Dothraki.
Dothraki Jaqqa Rhan – The Jaqqa Rhan, or mercy men used to move through the battlefield after a fight removing the heads dead and dying. I can’t imagine CMON will leave the Dothraki side of this faction without a new Attachment and I think these guys would be perfect. I feel like abilities which activate effects once the enemy has lost ranks might be a good place to start for this character/unit, but they will be competing against the KOs who are currently not taken due to points being limited. I do feel like it is hard to come up with a new model/unit as CMON have covered the Dotharki very well.
Unsullied Officers – The Swordmaster Officer must be the model that will receive a new sculpt as it is the only other attachment available in the faction. I could see CMON creating a pikemen version of this model rather than another Unsullied Attachment but there is a chance for a new one. Perhaps the new attachment for pikemen is just a defensive version of the Officer, replacing relentless with resilience which would certainly make a big difference for Targaryen’s most resilient unit.
Brazen Beast Captain – We know the new Brazen Beasts unit is on the way and with it brings the mysterious Captain. This could be a great contender for resculpt as well. We unfortunately know nothing about this attachment other than it will give players more variety in their army building for their existing infantry units. What does this even mean? I have never been more intrigued and stumped about what CMON might have designed other than with Varamyr. Someone please break this enigma.
Stormcrows – It is entirely possible we could see a resculpt of the Lieutenant or a new attachment for the mercenary company. However, I think if this was to happen it would be through a Neutral box. I don’t want to cross Daario’s crew out of the running but if Neutral players wanted to use them, they would have to buy a box that would be obsolete other than two models. I can’t see this being a likely bet.
Mother’s Men – With the release of Marselen the commander of the Mother’s Men in Targaryen Heroes 3, it’s only a matter of time until the Mother’s Men have a unit of their own. What better way to tease them than with an attachment called the Mother’s Man. I could see this unit/attachment with supply aid playing into the playstyle of Marselen. Incentivise the player to design their Marselen lists with the Mother’s Men in mind.
Free Brothers – The Free Brothers are led by a slave of Astapor called Symon Stripeback, named for the many scars on his back from being whipped. Just like the Mother’s Men, the Free Brothers are made up of Freedmen but more organised. There is not much else we know about this group, however with a named leader there is just as much information about the Mother’s Men, and both have the same amount of chance of being created. With the story of their leader being someone who can take a lot of punishment and keep going, I would say the ability To The Last or a stat line like the Umber Berserkers would be quite interesting.
Stalwart Shields – Again, the Stalwart Shields are made from Freedmen and had a few leaders in the books, but no other information is known. However, they have the same chance as the previous two. From the name this could be a perfect unit to play into a more defensive build. After seeing how often Daenerys is used in Bolton Blackguard, I would welcome it. Targaryens are light on armour and not having a unit that can stick around long enough can take its toll. So, bring a unit built only to stay like the Tully Sworn Shields or Lannister Guardsmen.
I don’t think there could be anything else we could predict here other than brand new units made from creative licence or the expansion of the Targaryen line into the master’s forces of the neighbouring cities or with Young Griffs forces. However, we have reached six characters.
A new Dothraki Attachment, Unsullied Officer resculpt and/or pikemen attachment, Brazen Beast Captain, a Mother’s Man, a Free Brother, and a Stalwart Shield.
That is my prediction for the Targaryen Attachments 1 coming soon. Why not prepare for the Targaryen Attachment box release by picking up the freshly stocked Unsullied Swordmasters?
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