Check out the details of the Star Wars: Legion Grand Championship at LVO 2023
Join the unsung battles of the Galactic Civil War as the commander of a unique army filled with troopers, powerful ground or repulsor vehicles, and iconic characters like Darth Vader or Luke Skywalker. While innovative mechanics simulate the fog of war and the chaos of battle, the unpainted, easily assembled miniatures give you a canvas to create the Star Wars army you’ve always wanted to lead into battle—whether you fight for the monolithic, oppressive Galactic Empire or the ragtag Rebel Alliance.
Why should players be excited about this event? Include any specific and fun information.
Legion players will have an opportunity to play in the largest event of the last year, and fight for four remaining spots to the World Championship in March.
You can purchase your tickets here.
Are there any unique elements to this event that set it apart from other, similar events?
Every year LVO sets records for being the biggest Legion event held in the previous calendar year. The Jan 16th rule update will also be a huge draw for this streamed event.

Are there any recent rules updates, FAQs, etc. you want your event attendees to be aware of?
Jan 16th the Core Rule Book is releasing, and LVO will be the first major to utilize it
If any attendees have questions, what is the best way to get them answered? You can include contact emails, etc. here.