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LVO PREVIEW Battletech Alpha Strike 350

Check out the details for the Battletech Alpha Strike 350 event at LVO 2023.

At its most basic, the boardgames of BattleTech are played on a map sheet composed of hexagonal terrain tiles. The combat units are roughly 12-metre-tall (39 ft) humanoid armored combat units called BattleMechs, powered by fusion reactors and armed with a variety of weapons. Typically, these are represented on the game board by two-inch-tall miniature figurines that the players can paint to their own specifications, although older publications such as the 1st edition included small scale plastic models originally created for the Macross TV series, and the 2nd and 4th edition boxed sets included small cardboard pictures (front and back images) that were set in rubber bases to represent the units. The game is played in turns, each of which represents 10 seconds of real time, with each turn composed of multiple phases.

Why should players be excited about this event? Include any specific and fun information.

It is the first official Catalyst Alpha Strike tournament format

Are there any unique elements to this event that set it apart from other, similar events?

8 unique scenarios, fully 3D terrain using a format that allows players to switch out their units from game to game to suit the scenario objectives

Are there any recent rules updates, FAQs, etc. you want your event attendees to be aware of?

No updates. We are using the rules found here:

If any attendees have questions, what is the best way to get them answered? You can include contact emails, etc. here.

Please ensure you lists are emailed in 2 weeks prior to the event. Submission can be sent to with the subject “LVO 2023”. Any questions you might have can be directed to that email as well.

You can purchase your ticket for the event here.

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