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LVO Narrative Events – Horus Heresy Organizer Interview

Hi All,
The next interview we have on tap for you all is with Alex, who will be running the Horus Heresy event. This is one event I am watching keenly as it will be the first LVO narrative event with the new edition. Since there are no dedicated HH narrative campaign systems, it is up to the organizer to figure out how to makes these events engaging!

1.       Tell me a bit about yourself. What armies do you collect/play? How long have you been playing Hous Heresy?
I’ve been playing Heresy since about 2015. I’ve been playing Raven Guard since then and have a decent sized collection but I’ve begun to expand on that. At the end of last edition, I pumped out a 3000 pt Ashen Claws Blackshield force (which you can see played on Mini Wargaming) so I’m eagerly anticipating new Blackshield rules. Last LVO, one of our players needed a flying base so I bought a less expensive flyer – a Mechanicum Vulterax – along with some Thallax and a Thanatar so I’m excited to start some mechanicum. With the advent of 2nd edition and the new heresy box set though, I took a break from painting black and started into a Blood Angels army that I hope to have ready for March.

2.       What is the story ahead of this year’s event? How is the event structured?
The story this year is that the narrative will continue off of the events of last year’s narrative campaign centered The Siege of Ballyst. Last year, we opened with a mega battle breaking into 3000 pt games day 2 with 2000 point centurion + games being played on day 3. This year, we had some unique challenges around having to write and structure the event without all the rules being released – in fact, we still don’t have militia or daemons rules with no timeline for Blackshields – so the format is a bit different. This year, with the Advance of Rioh Prime, we’ll move in the opposite direction. Day 1 will begin with landing parties on the planet of Rioh Prime so games will be played at 2000 pts representing smaller forces securing landing zones on the planet with restrictions on flyers without a transport capacity (as they’ll be busy in dog fights). Day 2 will see the war effort become resupplied, with games being played up to 3000 pts without further unit restrictions. That is, of course, with the exception on both day 1 and 2 locking the use of any Primarchs or Unique Character types. As with last year, this event is really about forging the continuing story of our warlords. For many players, these warlords represent themselves on the tabletop and that helps with the immersion. 

3.       This is the first year using the new HH rules how are you adapting them for a narrative event format? How do you develop your ideas for the event/missions?
I’ve been writing and running events for a number of years – since about 2018 – and that experience has helped greatly in adapting to the new ruleset. Last year at LVO, I tried a new concept called Fog of War. In this, I created essentially two mission packs – one loyalist and one traitor – each with different primary and secondary objectives that the other had no visibility to. This was my first time trying this as it means that players must attempt to complete their missions while trying to uncover that of their opponents. It also inspires a bit of team work as people who uncover the objectives can begin to share with their respective loyalties. I was more than relieved when this rapidly became the most raved about part of the event. We’ll be following the same mission format this year with some refinement. The other important thing to remember with the missions is that Primary Objectives net you Victory Points which determine if you win or lose the engagement; while Secondary Objectives net you Campaign Points. This means that even if you “lose” your battle you will still have an effect in the greater war.

4.       Are you using any balancing mechanics to head off dreadnought spam and the like? Or are you trusting players to abide by the spirit of the event?  
Yes and no. Last year, we had a few restrictions based around the fan-made centurion + ruleset from Mournival Events. The 2000 point Centurion + had to fit into the 3000 point list. We aimed to do something similar this year and while widely accepted last year this year was met with outrage and in some cases, abuse. So we made a few adjustments to help relegate the dreadnought spam. It’s not news that Contemptors, in particular, are very efficacious this edition so any Imperial Knights will match up against other Imperial Knights and Armoured Breakthrough lists with Dreadnought heavy lists will find themselves facing off against similar type lists – particularly with Fury of the Ancients. 

5.       What are you most excited about for this event?
This year we’re slated to be the biggest LVO heresy event we’ve ever had with the Narrative clocking in at between 80 – 90 participants. As with last year as well, the Adeptus Titanicus results will also contribute to the Campaign results determining the Fate of Rioh Prime. I hope people enjoy the event and I’m just excited to give so many eager folks the canvas to paint their own stories on!

6.       If someone is trying to decide between a competitive event at LVO and your narrative one what would your pitch to them be for why they should choose the this one?
Competitive events tend to be high cognition and stress – at least for me. Narrative events tend to feel more like a pleasure cruise. You’re going to be immersed and invested in your character and the joint experience of you and everyone else contributing to the campaign. It’s relaxing, engaging, and full of laughs; you’re in your space with like minded folks and creating new experiences. The energy, excitement, and enjoyment is palpable and contagious where the in-game stakes and results keep you on the edge of your seat like you’re part of a movie instead of just playing a game. You’ll leave with a story of who your warlord and what deeds he’s perpetrated during the Age of Darkness and how they’ve contributed to future fake history of the Horus Heresy; on top of all that, you just might win a prize too!

Thanks Alex! I can’t wait to hear how it goes! It sounds like it will be an amazing time for everyone!

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