Warhammer 40k competitive players! I’m John Weyermuller, SaltyJohn from TFG Radio, head judge for the Las Vegas Open 40k Championship, and I am bringing you some important info today!
Normally I would have spent the last year writing weekly articles for Frontline Gaming about the ITC Rankings, unfortunately, my work and life schedule required me to take a step back from that and it also meant I couldn’t help judge any of the Games Workshop US Opens this year, much to Zach Rochner’s disappointment I have heard. I am still head judge for the Las Vegas Open, however, and I have been hard at work with Kicker and the rest of our crew making sure we are ready for you to come to participate in the largest Warhammer tournament in the world in January! To that end, I have some important announcements.
This year we have two separate Forms for rules inquiries and conversion approvals. Use the LVO/FLG Event Rules Inquiries Form if you have a rules inquiry, send it through that form, but please consult this sheet first to make sure we have not already answered it. If you ask a question that is already answered we will not respond to it again, we get over 300 inquiries and conversion approval requests. If you have a conversion you need to be approved prior to LVO please fill out this Conversion Approval Form and upload the photos using the Form. Although my email, and other judges’ emails, can be found in the LVO Player Packet we will not answer rules or conversion inquiries sent to our emails. The rules inquiries and conversion approvals are a team effort, they are not the responsibility of any single judge.

The Las Vegas Open 2023 will be using the Nephilim GT Packet and all materials that are legal per GW as long as it is released by January 15th. FAQ/Errata from Games Workshop released between January 15th and January 27th will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but are not automatically used at the LVO 2023. Per these criteria, all of the Supplements and rules Games Workshop set a sunset date of January 2023 for will not be in use at LVO 2023 as those rules will no longer be allowed per Games Workshop’s previous announcements.
To Clarify:
- None of the sources in the pictures above *that expired on or before January 2023* are valid for LVO 2023 per Games Workshop.
- “Valid until January 2023” means they are valid until December 31st, 2022, and invalid starting January 1st, 2023.
- No new rules/FAQ/Errata after January 15th
- FAQ/Errata from Games Workshop released between January 15th and January 27th will be considered on a case-by-case basis
- Cut off for Conversion Approval and rules inquiries is January 13th
- Lists are due January 16th
- If the new GW GT Missions 2023 come out before LVO 2023 we will NOT be using them. We will finish the season with the Missions from the latest 2022 Book.
- FOR SUPER EXTRA CLARITY. If GW releases the new GT Packet, it WILL NOT be used at LVO 2023.
Please be sure to review the information in the LVO 2023 Player Packet. The LVO 2023 will be using the FLG event Player Placed or Optimized, Terrain rules. The rules for this can be found in previous FLG Event packets, and the LVO Packet will have those rules and guidelines fully updated soon. FLG is working on making sure exactly how much, and what kind, of terrain will be used at LVO so they can give you the best approximation of the table layouts as possible.
If you need a refresher on the ITC Player Placed Terrain rules or how to play with those rules here is a nifty YouTube video explaining it!
The last announcement I have for you today is in regard to Paint Judging and the Renaissance Man awards. This year we will have a new paint rubric for the Las Vegas Open that will be publicly posted and all scores will be publicly available once judging is finished. The Renman award is being rebranded for LVO to the Paragon award, it will be given to the person with the highest combined paint and competitive score. However, to be a Paragon of the hobby you must also be a great opponent, no one who receives a Yellow Card, Red Card, or game DQ penalty, will be awarded the Paragon award. The rubric for paint scoring will be made public soon, we are working out the final details.
We look forward to seeing you at the Las Vegas Open 2023 and stay tuned for more information!
So I can just @kicker on Facebook for any of my lvo questions right?
Lol, I’m sure he’ll
that. Asking in the FLG community group works well.