Behold all of the FLG events and dates for the 2023 season with TWO NEW EVENTS!

We are very excited to add The Rocky Mountain Open to our circuit. This brand new event will take place this upcoming March in Denver Colorado!
We are still waiting on a few things to be ironed out before we can announce where (and what format) the September event will be, so for now we have to keep that as TBA.

We will get the dates finalized for SoCal 2023 as soon as we get back and unwind from this weekend!

Both the BAO and ACO (Bay Area and Atlantic City) will be bigger than ever before as we are expanding the venue space we are using! We are also adding more game systems to Cherokee and making this event have a super social element that we have never tired before.

Cruise Hammer will again be a 7 day cruise but this upcoming trip will depart from New Jersey.

The Lone Star Open, will remain our Military Appreciation event with plenty of cool things for our service members.
In the next week or two, we will also have a major announcement that will impact almost all of our events and make things more exciting than ever before.
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!