Martells have hit the shelves in Canada and Poland, with the US slowly starting to release them as well but this is not the only Martell release for us to bear witness too. Dune Vipers, Starfall Outriders and Starfall Knights have been revealed and for the next wave of the Dornish forces these do shake up the faction but also showcases the need for a nerf. Let’s take a peek.
Dune Vipers
Movement 6
Save 4+
Morale 6+
Melee 4+ 7/6/4
Weaken on Attack
6 Points
The models and art for the Dune Vipers suggested to many that they will just be a copy and paste of the Ironbon Trappers for the Greyjoys however they are very different. Just like the Trappers they are more of a tech piece since they come without keywords but Gang-Up would make them quite strong when activated. Imagine Martel Spearmen at 8 dice hitting on 3s when they join in on a combat with the Vipers, make even better with Boldness and Courage from a Spearlord too and it can take a standard unit to another level. Counterstrike is a very good incentive to not attack this unit thanks to Veterans of the Watch and Osha showcasing the ability in the Meta. Add on the Weaken token and you never want to retaliate. The Dervish Captain might be a nice addition for the Disrupt ability but taking this unit to 8 points is not alluring, I can see at least one of this unit in many forces and without an attachment. Obara will love some Dune Vipers in her force.
Starfall Outriders
Movement 6
Save 5+
Morale 6+
Melee 4+ 6/4
Critical Blow
Rally Cry
6 Points
Can I just say, why are Clegane Brigands 7 points? Is Brutal Armaments worth more than Critical Blow and Rally Cry, and a better melee attack for a slightly worse morale? Outriders for Starks are pretty good when utilised as skirmishers and I think it will be the same here, but Brigands at 7 points is balanced when compared to this unit and then become pretty good at 6 points without the stat change. Perhaps the base melee statistic for the Outriders will become the same for Brigands and they go to 6 points? As it stands these Outriders are a glass cannon that can support the other units in the force through healing. If you’re not attacking with them, you are getting no value other than mobility which for the Dornish isn’t that big of a deal. I do see them not being outshone by the Zorse Riders but don’t think we will see this unit as often as the Dune Vipers.
Starfall Knights
Movement 6
Save 4+
Morale 5+
Melee 3+ 6/4
8 Points
Heavy Cavalry are everywhere in the game and the factions are worse for it. CMON changed the game to have less one-shot potential from every unit but the units and factions that became dominant post update are those that are designed to counteract this measure. Othell and the multiple range attacks from Crossbowmen, Super morale damage from R’hllor armies, Free Folk horde that you can’t kill fast enough, Relentless Spam, 10 or more dice Lance Cavalry and the forever overused Flayed Men. So, when I saw that this unit was a Lance Cavalry in a strong faction, my heart began to bleed.
Turns out that they aren’t overpowered! Well not in this specific moment in time as they don’t outshine Flayed Men. If you are spending 8 points on a heavy cavalry unit you might as well grab the Flayed Men for their sustainability and damage output. Perhaps using this unit as a clean-up unit would be strong. Attacking with Vipers first to soften the target then finish up with a Starfall Knight charge with Gang-Up and even better if you can take advantage of the flanks. Until the Flayed Men are nerfed so we don’t have to see them all the time, the Starfall Knights will not be the best cavalry for the Martells. Let’s hope that Heroes Box 2 will have a Starfall Commander that can help make the Starfall cavalry less underwhelming.
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