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40k, 5 More Models that Desperately Need a Glow Up

With Games Workshop recently celebrating the Warhammer 40,000 35 year anniversary, it’s hard not to notice that there are still several models in the game that have been around for several decades and desperately need an update. Here are five MORE models in the Warhammer 40,000 range that desperately need a glow up.

Mad Dok Grotsnik

Hailing way back from the year 2000 and the release of Armageddon, Mad Dok Grotsnik is one of many Ork special characters that have models 20 years or older. Seeing as how the 9th edition Ork release was released without any major character re-sculpts, I fear that this may be a faction that we see these special characters phased out with the next Codex release.

Lucius the Eternal

Lucius was released back in the 4th edition, in 2006, making him 17 years old at this point. Not the oldest on the week’s list but certainly old enough to be recognized as needing an update. For a character that has been around since the Horus Heresy, we’d expect a bit more love and respect for the miniature. The new 9th edition codex update for Chaos Space Marines has come and gone, so the likelihood for an updated mini is not looking too great.


Hailing back to the release of the 4th edition Tyranid release, the Biovore was one of a handful of models not to be updated with the 6th and 7th edition codex releases. For a model as widely taken by players it’s surprising that these models were not given a plastic upgrade kit for the 9th edition codex release. With the 10th edition starter set rumored to be Space Marines vs Tyranids, I am sitting with fingers crossed that we’ll be seeing new (larger) kits for the Biovore.

C’Tan Shards

The two well know C’Tan shards from the Necron line, the Deceiver and the Nightbringer, are models that have been around since 3rd edition making them well over 20 years old. The scale of models has changed dramatically since these were released and while their sculpts are definitely amazing they just don’t fit into the the current range of Necron models.

Azrael, Supreme Grand Master

With a name like ‘Supreme Grand Master’ you’d think that Games Workshop would have been in more of a hurry to cross them over the Rubicon Primaris, but alas, when the 9th edition codex was released we instead got a new named Primaris model, Master Lazarus. Azrael joins the majority of Space Marine named characters that have not yet crossed the Rubicon Primaris, however, I hope that Games Workshop gets moving on updating these ancient models.

So there you have it, 5 MORE ancient model kits that desperately need a glow up. What are some of your favorite units to use, but are embarrassed to put onto the tabletop?

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