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GW Grognard: What to do with your Votaan now

Hey everybody! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to give advice about how best to use your Votaan after the changes by Games Workshop.

Games workshop is always making adjustments to both the game itself and to the codexes at large. It is very rare when they actually make a change before a book is even out or when it is just released. Many times the changes do not have as big an effect as what they just did to the Votaan. Just last week we were talking about how best to deal with the Votaan menace but now we seem to be taking the opposite side of the coin this week. As with many other advice that I give when there’s changes in the air this week I will be talking about how best to use your Votaan now that you’re army has been changed in such a fundamental way. Some people have even even been saying that the army is unplayable. Now I don’t believe that but I believe that there is some adjustments that need to be made if you still want to play Votaan and this week we will discuss a few of those options.

Return the models

This might be the easiest way to deal with the changes. Hopefully you haven’t opened the boxes yet and the models are still there that way you can just return them and use the refund to buy a different army. Hopefully one that’s much more useful to you. Now you could also sell it on a second hand shop , if only I knew if ne, but you may not get as much in return or you could even exchange it with another player for another army. This is probably not the best way to deal deal with it but it’s certainly better than just tossing them or giving it away and getting nothing in return. But if you are going to stick it out and continue to play the army then continue reading the article.

Play them as a different army

Now this is a tried-and-true method that people have been using since the beginning of the game. Players around the world have always been playing armies from one codex and saying they are using the rules from another codex. This is especially true among power armored players such as space marines and chaos space marines. They would play a certain chapter even though they were painted a different chapter. This brings up the famous ultra-scars which were ultramarines painted army but were using the white scars rules, in 7th edition, or when chaos players were using things such as space wolf rules for their chaos army because the chaos space marine rules were not as good as the space marine rules. As always this is opponents’ permission or even TO or tournament organizer permission but to be honest most judges or tournament organizers probably wouldn’t allow it so you may be stuck with just local rogue trader tournaments or just casual games with friends.

Suffer through

The last option might be the most fulfilling. You can just trudge along and play the army no matter what changes are made buy Games Workshop. There have been plenty of armies in the past and currently that are not the best now, yet people are still playing them both casually and in tournaments. Playing when an army is not at its peak efficiency can sometimes be fulfilling especially if you get a good win out of it or do well in a tournament. There is also the most likely possibility that Games Workshop will make the army stronger but unfortunately that would be in the future. As with all things Games Workshop everything goes through a power cycle where at one point, they’re good and then they’re bad and then they’re back to being good again and it seems to happen with every book. So, make the most of it now and then enjoy the benefits when they become good again.

That’s all for this week. Hope you enjoyed the article. As a reminder these series of articles are mainly satire. Let me know what you think, and how you plan to deal with the balance changes, in the comments section below. Don’t forget to visit our Facebook, Twitch, and Patreon pages to stay up to date on what we’re up to and when episodes drop!

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