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40k 5 Models that Desperately Need a Glow Up.

Games Workshop is notorious for neglecting ancient models to focus on new units to sculpt. Here are 5 models that are as old as time and definitely need a glow up.

Aeldari War Walker

Released way back in 2006 for the 4th edition update, the model is now 15 years old. The latest Aeldari release saw upgrades to the classic Guardians and Rangers, as well as upgrades to the Aspect Warriors the Dark Reapers and Howling Banshees. However, much of the line remains stuck in the 4th edition.

Chaos Bikers

Hailing from back before many players were even born, the Chaos Bikers were released during 3rd edition at the tail end of the 1990s. Always an afterthought, I’m convinced that Games Workshop completely forgot they were even a unit in the codex since no one buys the models anyways. The release of the updated line a couple years ago upgraded pretty much every other unit in the line up.

Drukhari Mandrakes

While definitely not alone in being the only Drukhari models from the 5th edition, they ARE the only all finecast single pose models left from the late 2000’s era. The models are so obsolete they actually no longer even exist in the Games Workshop webcart, despite being a unit that is in the codex. Here’s hoping that means an updated kit is coming out soon.

Astra Militarum Catachan Jungle Fighters

This was actually my first army back in early 2000’s, the brand new plastic Catachan Jungle Fighters. At the time of release in late 3rd edition, these were the coolest thing around. Now? They are some of the oldest current product lines still available from Games Workshop. To make matters worse, the command squad box that was released years later during 5th edition were completely out of scale compared with the earlier plastics. The Astra Militarum are getting an updated codex for 9th edition later this year. Hopefully we see a couple updated kits for the iconic regiment.

Blood Angels Commander Dante

The oldest known (non-dreadnought) Space Marine, Commander Dante of the Blood Angels is an iconic character in Warhammer 40,000. For a character that has such a large and storied background you’d think this would have been one of the first models that Games Workshop would have crossed over the Rubricon Primaris. I was happy with the Mephiston upgrade, as he is also an iconic character for the Blood Angels, but to pass up the chapter master, the oldest known Space Marine and leave him in his current finecast First Born scale body? No sir, that dang old dog wont hunt.

Well that’s a start. Plenty more units desperately need updated models. What are some of the oldest that you know of?

And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!

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