Something I hate to do in this game is use units that make no sense in the lore of ASOIAF. Boltons working with Baratheons, or Martells backed by the Brave Companions just does not sit right even though the game is based on everything being a ‘What If’ scenario after Robert’s death. However, Hedge Knights was the best release for the Neutrals in terms of being used in other factions, we should have more units not tied to loyalties but would work with each faction.
Silent Sisters
The silent sisters prepare people for the grave in very grotesque ways that remind me of how pharaohs are tended to before entombment. One of the silent sisters’ main functions is the collection and handling of the bodies of the dead, preparing them for funerals. I won’t go into further detail so you can retain your meal. How would this unit work in the game?
I think making them a tech piece that is a Solo unit like the Drowned Men would be fitting for the Sisters. Giving them the rules that they do not give away victory points when being destroyed or allowing them to hold objectives would represent their neutrality to a side in a conflict. Merely they are there to tend to the dead. I would give them an ability which allows them to collect tokens based on the number of models slain within short range. The Solo unit can then spend these tokens to heal units, remove condition tokens, or return attachments to other units.
Solo units are so important in the game right now where some armies are written out of competitiveness due to activation count. The likes of Lannisters struggle for activations as well as Golden Company focused armies and many more. Having the Silent Sisters as a 4pts Solo unit would help in this situation alongside adding a unique fun and different unit to the game.
Westerosi Sellswords
Stormcrow Mercenaries have been seen roaming from Dorne to The Wall. If you need a cheap unit to babysit a Supply Aid Attachment or need some cheap activations for your activation starved list, the Stormcrows are your guys. Dervishes are not found too often but do show up here and there. Whereas the Archers were prominent and fell off for a while until the spread of rumours that they would be ideal in Martells starter to surface. The point is, Stormcrows are in Slaver’s Bay, not Westeros. Although no Sellsword Company has been named in Westeros other than the Brave Companions, we do know that the Lannisters and Starks obtain Sellswords. A Lannisport rabble of mercenaries for Stafford Lannister would be perfect for the game.
The only issue is they may just be a carbon copy of Stormcrows. Since they are Westerosi we might be able to give them more of a resilient role based on their influence around knights of the Seven Kingdoms. They could even have rules around great morale due to them likely having more investment in the goings of the houses in the lands. The more I describe them, the more I realise I am describing Golden Company. I would make Sellswords a slightly weaker version of GCS at 6pts with an Orden that allows them to pick any keyword ability to make them diverse enough in all factions. Say if you give them to Greyjoys you may not want to use Precision as often as you can gain this through a Tactics Card, but utilising Silence Men’s ability you may want some Vicious. Something along these lines.
Free Riders
Free Riders are like Hedge Knights but who have not been knighted, but instead of working for plunder or gold, they usually work for the reward of being knighted or brought into a Lord’s service. This could be a great opportunity to make a light armoured 6pts cavalry unit for the game that can semi-hold its ground in every aspect. It also gives a great opportunity for some more Cavalry Attachments since the two Hedge Knight ones are very popular.
There are a bunch of named characters who are Free Riders which could come in future Neutral NCU boxes such as Lothar Brune; Petyr Baelish’s Free Rider tasked with being Sansa’s personal guard.
Broken Men
Broken Men are wartime outlaws who began as smallfolk conscripts but fled service for a life of brigandry. Armed with only the most rudimentary equipment, they fight a thankless battle against disease and armoured knights until one day they break. Sometimes they break in their first battle, sometimes in their hundredth. Watching their friends die, or perhaps entering the service of an unfamiliar lord when their original liege dies, the broken man runs away in the heat of battle or sneaks off in the dead of night.
Broken Men could easily just be Night’s Watch Conscripts but neutral. I would love to see some models with Pitchforks, and others armed with just knives. Disorganised would be a perfect ability here and I would also consider giving the unit Vicious due to the crude weaponry. I would make them 4pts however but give them some bad statistics due to their lack of armaments and martial training.
What units would you like to see in the Neutral faction that do not owe their allegiance to an affiliation?
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