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Crusade Rules Rankings – B Tier

Hi All,

We are continuing through my list of Crusade Rule Power rankings. Today we are looking at B-Tier. The most crowded section. Please forgive the change in formatting as i lost my other rankings graphic!

Within B-Tier there are several groups, let’s start at the bottom.

Group 1: These armies have updated rules, but are rather monotone or dull in their execution. You could probably swap these in any order.

Group 2: These armies are in a unique spot in that their rules can will easily harm you if your aren’t careful/are unlucky. Both armies are Knights which are very hard to balance in a strict crusade campaign. Players rarely have adequate anti-tank early on so the games might be very swingy.

Group 3: These armies are very close to being tier 1. The Custodes are held back by the very limited nature of their rules. They have some cool facets but their quests are pretty short and don’t have a lot of depth. They do force you to take some different agendas but I feel they could have done more. Their rules do allow for some very powerful characters.

So what are your thoughts? Did I do anyone dirty here? Say so in the comments. Next time we will look at A and S Tier and see who is a little too over-tuned.

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