ASOIAF is just over five years old and since the start there has been several Commanders released changing the playstyle for their factions, resulting in the flavour of the game being so diverse. This article is to celebrate the diversity of playstyles whilst almost listing some of my personal favourite Commanders in the game.
5. Benjen Stark – Cavalry Centered
Cavalry Commanders are few but share some similarities between them due to the Tactics Cards. Marshal and Ride-By-Attack are featured in almost all the Cavalry Commanders. Having a pure cavalry army has been sought after since the beginning of the game. When NCU Commanders were still a thing, lists filled with Flayed Men and Knights of Casterly Rock led by Roose Bolton were quite often seen. Now we have Dothraki hordes swarming the fields, and lists filled with cavalry with no cavalry Commander like the Baratheons.
My favourite of the cavalry Commanders is not in the spotlight even though he is a semi-recent release. The reason why I prefer him to the others is due to him bringing out the two cavalry units and solos not really featured in lists as other units are just so dominant. Trackers are seen from time to time due to them being cheaper now however Watch Marshals and Vanguard are rarer than Valyrian Steel.
The only reason Benjen, or any cavalry Commander, is not higher on this list is due to them not being unique enough between each other. Brynden and Benjen share two cards as the same, Ride-By-Attack and Marshal, Ride-By-Attack is then seen on Khal Drogo, and Marshal is then seen on Jorah Mormont. I hope the new mounted Stannis shares no cards with the other Commanders and feels different as every Commander should be. There is nothing worse than seeing a Commander with Tactics Cards other Commanders have, it is why the aggressive Commanders have become stale.
4. Daario Naharis – Age of Aggression
No character is the same as another, each has gone through different experiences in their lives thus they act and respond differently to problems. Thus, this should be reflected in the Tactics Cards and sometimes the abilities. Andrew Estermont and Victarion Greyjoy are the same person, both with Assault Orders, Both with Rush of Aggression, their third cards are slightly different, but both are about fighting with highest Attack Dice. Assault Orders, Overrun, Sustain Assault, Reckless Strikes, Price of Failure, all these cards feature on several Commanders taking away the potential uniqueness of the character.
Targaryen Daario feels like the right way to make an aggressive Commander without copying cards from other aggressive Commanders. Although he has Reckless Strikes which feature on other Commanders, the rest of his deck is about supporting his Stormcrows to keep them in the fight. His own abilities mixed with Reckless Strikes damages the units thus a card is added to his deck that will help heal them. They have no way of putting out tokens on their own to help in combat, thus here is a card to help them. Being the Targaryen version, he gets Hasty Offence when you need that additional Attack to finish off some units.
I find the charismatic sellword who stole the mother of dragon’s heart to be the best and most fun aggressive Commander to use on the field. However, you do need to focus on bringing Stormcrows to truly utilise him. This isn’t a bad trait; in fact, I welcome it.
3. Mag the Mighty – Towering Thematic
I have talked about Mag the Mighty’s design being one of the best in the game that even transcends the game by showing other tabletop games how they should design similar units. A whole Tactics Deck dedicated to the large creatures from the North is a great idea and executed so well allowing for so many fun moments with a few units. Varamyr has elevated this list bringing a bunch of Solos to take advantage of the non-giant focused cards helps keep the lists fresh.
I could list everything about the Commander but there is no point, he is fun, and it is a fact. Play with him, or play against him, you will have fun. The only reason he falls short against the other two Commanders on the list for me personally, is the inbuilt limitation on the list design. Thankfully Varamyr’s release synergises with some of Mag’s cards resulting in the lists being refreshed with potential. But after a while if there are no new monsters, the list may become stale in customisation.
2. Theon Greyjoy – Pillage and Positioning
One thing I enjoy in this game more than anything else is hidden Commanders. Those that do not get used too often but are actually pretty good. On paper Theon does not seem that great but after using him in the game I find he is amazing.
All of his cards are used to make a charge an “all your eggs in one basket” scenario. Diversion Tactics is used to move Theon, or a better unit, into a better position for a charge, Stark Exposure to ensure the charge and prevent any shenanigans from the opponent, and Opportunist to increase the quality of the Attack. If this is on Theons unit you gain better mobility and some token if you can get in the flank or rear of the enemy. All this together has given me a chance to snowball a game due to making a play with a few units slaying the enemy’s/
All these rules seem to reflect Theon’s idea of taking the North in the most impatient way possible; by taking Winterfell in one swoop. Mix the playstyle with the lore and I thoroughly enjoy playing with the Commander. This spot is less for Theon specifically and more for that Commander you specifically enjoy from all angles of an argument.
1. Rickard Karstark – Lore Made Manifest
Rickard may not be in the top ten for most people who play the game. However, as a person who loves books, I have an affinity to running lists that make sense from the books. It hurts me to bring something that just does not fit like Boltons with Baratheons, and I am slowly getting over this phobia. So, when a Commander comes along those fits almost perfectly to how they are portrayed in the books, all I can do is grin from ear to ear.
Abilities. Superior Numbers features on Rickard as well as the Loyalist Captain. In terms of Rickard, this relates to the moment he killed the two captive Lannister children with five other men which resulted in Karstark being executed. Fueled By Slaughter is the other ability on Rickard’s card which I believe relates to how Rickard’s whole purpose is fueled by the thought of avenging his sons.
“If it is revenge, I’ve still got faith in it. I can believe until it snows in Dorne” – Rickard Karstark
Tactics Cards
A Need for Vengeance – I quote “Any man who steps between a father and his vengeance asks for death” Rickard’s whole presence is about the fury the Northmen have for the murdered. This card resembles that desire that Rickard mentions every waking second. The card gives you a free Attack Action but then gives the opponent a chance to activate an NCU. I love the idea that yes Karstark got to act through violence, but this gives those handling the politics a chance to retaliate. I imagine Karstark attacking a Lannister captive unit, then Robb Stark taking the Swords Zone and killing Rickard’s unit to represent an execution.
Karstark Retribution – Such an interesting card. It acts like a promise from Rickard himself of death and justice. The opponent is now in the sights of a predator and is being hunted, and when the predator slays the prey, it gains benefits as it revels in the glory. The card makes perfect sense and is so unique and perfect for Rickard.
Taunt – This has been an ability for a long time and now has made its way as a Tactics Card for Rickard. The ability has been improved with modifiers to the Morale roll and a Weakened token buried in there. I see this card being inspired by the goading Rickard gave to Robb throughout all his decisions and love the added Weakened Token part of the card representing the Northern forces becoming weakened when the Karstarks abandon Robb.
Who are your favourite Commanders?
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