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GW Grognard: Where are they now 2

Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to once again ponder the whereabouts of units long gone.

Although I have been playing a lot of 40K and 30K, I still once in a while look back at some of my old books and reminisce about armies and models that are no longer with us and where they might be in the current timeline. So this week we will take another trip down memory lane and guess where these units are in the the current fluff of the 41st Millennium.

Necron Pariahs

In the early days of the game the Necrons had a unit called Pariahs, I thought they were pretty cool and was kind of bummed that they got rid of the unit. The idea of the unit is similar to the Sisters of Silence. They were an anti psyker unit that was made up of humans that the necrons engineered, or discovered, to be psychic blanks. I actually like the models and it was cool seeing them on the tabletop. I think the problem is that you wouldn’t see them on the table top very often. Fluffwise, though, they seemed to fit but I guess with the change in the Necron’s fluff there was no need for Pariahs. I can imagine the Pariah program being shut down for lack of interest and funding by the Necron Lords. Today the Pariahs that are still around are probably in stasis waiting for the day their department is revived and can once again terrorize the psykers across the galaxy.

Chaos Orks

Orks have always been a fun and rambunctious army to play no matter the edition. I think their best showing of this was in those early days of the Rogue Trader era. There were two books for Orks and it detailed all the different Ork clans as well as all the different Odd Boyz and such that were also a part of Ork society. Now a lot of those units are no longer with us but one that I enjoyed were the chaos worshipping Orks. If I remember correctly I think the ones shown in the book worshipped Khorne they could easily worship any of the other gods. Obviously they were considered Outcasts but were still useful in battle. They haven’t been seen since the Rogue Trader days but I can easily see them in the current timeline all going to the Khorne planet where they are constantly revived to battle for all of eternity to the amusement of the god of battle.


Good ol Doomrider. First appeared in the 3rd edition Chaos Space marine codex, he immediately disappeared afterwards never to be seen again. I’m pretty sure that was part of his rules also. He would show up, cause some mayhem, then ride off into the sunset. After his somewhat brief appearance in the 3rd edition codex there was little to seen of him. Most people just assumed he was still riding around the galaxy cause mayhem wherever he went. Lately, however, it seems like he was finally tracked down by the White Scar and so his head is currently on the planet Chogoris. I’m sure he will figure a way out, they always do.

That’s all for this week. Hope you enjoyed the article. Let me know what you think, and what old fluff characters you wish you could find out what happened, in the comments section below. Don’t forget to visit our Facebook, Twitch, and Patreon pages to stay up to date on what we’re up to and when episodes drop!

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