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Marching Towards the Old World – 8th Edition

Hi All,
This is one of the more conflicting parts of the series for me. On the one hand, this edition was the one that killed Warhammer Fantasy. There are glaring issues with the rules as they were written, and it is easy to see a few are thinly-veiled cash grabs. Additionally, the army book balance is very bad in this edition, with armies having only one or two builds, a lack of any differentiation for sub factions. This edition appeared at a time when GW didn’t realize they could coax money out of players and instead relied on beating it out of them, which leaves a few scars. On the other hand, this edition saw the release of some of the most iconic models, the armies looked amazing and the rule book simplified and expanded magical items. With a few tweaks we have seen this rule set be adapted in a variety of ways that players ares still using.

Fantasy Skaven

What to Keep:
When I think of what aspects of this edition can be kept, I think there is more here than initially meets the eye. To start with the first major new addition, I like the Steadfast rule (for the most part). For the uninitiated, this allowed units with more ranks than an enemy unit to ignore certain negative modifiers for its leadership. It helped infantry stand up to small, elite cavalry blocks that dominated the game in 6th and 7th. Aside from this rule here are my other notes:

What to Change:
As before I will bring up the Steadfast rule again. I think it should be negated by flank charges, or other shenanigans otherwise it is just too powerful. Additionally:

So there is a lot to both keep and change from this edition. I think these sentiments capture the complicated reactions from players that the edition elicited. I think you could make the argument this era represented the lowest points, and, in some ways the high points of Warhammer Fantasy (the models in particular, and the Island of Blood starter was an exceptional value). Hidden amongst the major changes that people still fight over, you have some real quality-of-life changes that made the game simpler and smoother.

What do you think? Are there any things from 8th edition that I missed or that you disagree with? Let me know in the comments!

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