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7 thoughts on “Tyranids: 9th Edition Codex Review- Adaptive Physiology and Psychic Powers

  1. Thanks for the nice read. I like this nid series quite a lot.

    Now don’t quote me on this, but I am pretty sure that the extra MWs that the Zornthropes can do is only with the smite psych power.

    1. I think Tervigons will be pretty dang awesome even without further buffs, they will be very good at holding ground and taking objectives with Termagant support.

      1. Yeah, the Tervigon is a great unit anyways! I will try it out with the “Warp Ritual” secondary. Sounds like in addition to everything else, it will be scoring several victory points. Because it is pretty hard to shift with a termagant screen and maybe a FnP.

        My comment was referring to the above article. The author mentioned several combos with adaptive physiologies and characters like the Tervigon. However Character Units cannot get these Upgrades. Neither the Tervigon nor the Hive Tyrant and so on.

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