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GW Grognard: More Epic to 40K Conversions

Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to talk about some more 40k, sort of.

If you are a long time reader of this series you know of my love for epic Space Marine. The current version, Adeptus Titanicus, is titans only, with some knight, so I rarely get the chance to play with my full collection unless I use a fan created set of rules. You will also know that I have an ever growing wish list of epic scale models that I hope make it to the main game of 40K. this week we continue this trend as I give another set of models I wouldn’t mine seeing in today’s game of 40K. I mean it can’t make it any worse than it already is, right?

Space Marine Lander

Ever wonder how Space Marines got their vehicles quickly on to a planet? Well here is the answer, in epic scale. Introduced towards the end of the game, and also shown in the Forgeworld books, the model gave us an idea of the Space Marine’s ability to quickly land vehicles on the planet. In all honesty I can’t remember if Forgeworld made the model but if they did it isn’t around anymore. Having the model in 40K would be interesting as you can run a mechanized army that enters play on this vehicle so hopefully your vehicles would be spared the fate of getting killed on turn 1. I know it won’t be made anytime soon since we don’t even have a regular plastic Thunderhawk, but if we do get a plastic Thunderhawk I can see people converting one to make this model. One can always dream.

The Other Traitor Primarchs

This is a wish by a lot of players. Currently we have 2 of the 4 primarchs that pledged themselves to one of the 4 dark gods. Angron seems to be the one everyone really wants and i would love to see him. Fulgrim has been heavily hinted at and has actually appeared in the latest books, so I wouldn’t be surprised if we seem him also. But what am I saying, we still don’t even have a new chaos space marine codex or even a second wound. I am hoping that when the book does come out we get one of these two missing daemon primarchs at the very least.

Imperator Titan

Ok, I know this would have to be made by Forgeworld and I am ok with that. I also know that it would cost so much that you would have to sell several body parts, not just one, to afford it but I still want to see it. I mainly want to see one made at 40K scale just to see how big it would be compared to the Warlord titan . I mean, the warlord is about the size of a toddler so I imagine that the Imperator would be the size of a young teenager or even taller than some adults. I know people are making their own versions and I am curious as to how big their models end up being. The amount of resin alone is probably enough to create a hazard zone once you start sanding an clipping the excess resin. On second thought that might not be a good idea.

That’s all for this week. Hope you enjoyed the article. Let me know what you think, and what epic models you wish were made into 40K models, in the comments section below. Don’t forget to visit our Facebook, Twitch, and Patreon pages to stay up to date on what we’re up to and when episodes drop!

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