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GW Grognard: Takeaways From the Reveals

Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, back to give my unwanted opinions on all things 40K!

If you have been paying attention, Adepticon is happening and as a result we get another series of previews. I actually look forward to these and am always curious as to what Games Workshop has to show us. It leads to a lot of excitement and expectations for someone’s favorite game system or army. It can also lead to a lot disappointment as their dreams of being on the top of the game are dashed once the reality sets in. With all that being said, here are a few of my reactions to the news we had just seen.

Horus Heresy 2.0

For those that have been reading this article for a while you may know that one of my first loves with Games Workshop games is the Horus heresy. It started with the original Adeptus Titanicus and then when the first edition epic Space Marine came out it went on from there so the heresy is a big part of what armies I play (Black Legion) and how I see the game overall. One of the barriers to playing Horus Heresy for me is the amount of resin models that you have to buy in order to play. Now there have been some that actually liked this aspect of the game, which is a form of gatekeeping, but I feel that it’s better to have more people than less people playing in order to keep a game alive and the move to plastic will attract a lot more players and will actually get me to actually play an army. The only issue however is that I will have to repaint a whole new army instead of using existing models since Sons of Horus is a really different color scheme than the Black Legion so I am not looking forward to that. What I am looking forward to is having a lot of sea green marines, Spartan tanks, as well as Sicarans and even a new Sicaran design, which you can add to both 40K and 30K, and of course the new box set.

2 Wound Chaos Space Marines

So Games Workshop finally announced that Chaos Space Marines will be getting their second wound. Funny thing is I believe they announced something similar back when 9th edition was first released, when they first talked about giving space marines and chaos space marines a second wound and it’s been almost two years since that announcement. I’m happy to see the second wound in the actual stat line as opposed to just in some random article where you don’t even see it but it just begs a bigger question of when are we gonna get the codex? Yeah it’s great that we’re getting this second wound so we can be like everybody else but it’s been so long it’s like “OK you keep teasing us but can you just give us a second wound please?” We don’t know when that second wound is coming out so even telling us about the second wound(again) really does nothing except exacerbate the pain chaos space marine players are already having with just one wound. Here’s hoping the codex will be out fairly soon even though they just announced Imperial and Chaos Knights LOL

Organized Play Kits

I know technically this was not in the preview but it was still announced during Adepticon week and weekend. The move by Games Workshop to provide organized play kits is kind of a big step and seems to be another step in the direction they are taking after they formed a partnership with the ITC. Just as with other game companies, it seems that the stores are the ones that have to contact Games Workshop in order to obtain these organize play kits. What this does is provide even more price support by Games Workshop to the competitive scene and hopefully shows players that they actually are trying to help the community and, with their announcements from Las Vegas Open, will foster a better working relationship with players, tournament organizers, and judges.

That’s all for this week. Hope you enjoyed the article. Let me know what you think, and what your takeaways were from Adepticon, in the comments section below. Don’t forget to visit our Facebook, Twitch, and Patreon pages to stay up to date on what we’re up to and when episodes drop!

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