The most anticipated army for A Song of Ice and Fire is the forces of Dorne. Under the banner of the Martells they will arrive soon with teases from the developers confirming the army is in full production. When the warriors of the dunes arrive, who will lead them? What soldiers will have mobilised? And what characters have plotted?
Starter Set
Doran Martell (Commander + Attachment)
Oberyn Martell (Commander + Attachment)
Ellaria Sand (NCU)
Maester Caleotte (NCU)
2x Martell Sunspearmen
1x Sand Steed Cavalry
1x Dornish Spear Throwers
The first we feel of Dorne’s presence was through Oberyn Martell. It would be poetic to have him be a part of the vanguard in the starter box. Oberyn could extend to multiple models following in the route of Asha Greyjoy. I imagine this version armoured up with his long-spear like in the fight with the mountain, and then a more casual version as a NCU in a future Heroes Box to represent his seat on the Small Council or even as one of Tyrion’s judges. It would be perfect for Oberyn’s rules to include Enhanced Mobility for that extra +1 to the movement stat to show the swiftness of the Red Viper. I would be even tempted to give him something similar to the Mountain’s Unstoppable Wrath but renaming it to the Master of Poisons allowing the unit he is in to deal an additional +2 wounds. His commander cards could all be about swift strike, moving quickly, striking fast. I like the idea that one card could attach to an enemy unit after an attack against them, and everytime they do an action they suffer a wound from the poison in their veins.
Just like Balon, Doran didn’t go to battle at any point. However the game is set-up in a world of What if? Thus Balon got a model and can be a Commander, so will Doran Martell. Doran Martell is a master of the long game, his plan is kept hidden from those closest to him and the schemes have been long in the making. Although none have ever worked out so far it’s clear he wants to remain in the past with ties to the dragons. In terms of his rules, I think we should look at the Order: Counterstrategy to represent him foiling Arianne’s plot. I also think Counterplot and Cunning Ploy should be a part of his deck. Essentially, a Commander that is in control of the politics of the field.
The NCUs were tougher to decide on, the Martells have a long list of characters to choose from, however the recent starter sets haven’t contained the most well known of characters, example Shyra Eroll and Roddrick Hawlaw. This being said I tried to contain it in the theme. Most of the time we get a priest or maester like character, think Aemon or Aeron. So bringing one of the two well known maesters from Dorne would be fitting here. In terms of the theme, having Oberyn’s number one cheerleader would be apt. I would love a dual rule on the card with one being; Blood Curdle Scream, When Oberyn Martell’s unit is destroyed…. Etc

This is the hardest part of the army. Whilst characters are in endless supply, untis are not. Creative licensing might need to be thought up however it is likely we will see what the forces Dorne has to offer will be in the Winds of Winter. Seeing how we won’t be able to read that until 2030 we have to get savvy with the units.
Dorne is all about spears. Their capital is called Sunspear. So there has to be Spearmen and it would be perfect to align them with Sunspear and not make them just generic spearmen. When fighting the Mountain, Oberyn uses the long spear – “the spear was turned at eight feet long, the shaft smooth, thick, and heavy. The last two feet of that was steel, a slender leaf-shaped spearhead narrowing to a wicked spike” this weapon would be the design of the Spearmen, a heavy spear unit a mixture of the Unsullied Pikemen rules and weapon rules like Sundering and Critical Blow would be perfect here.
Dorne is also famous for their horses known as Sand Steeds. The horse is marked by its long neck, narrow head and its slimness and swiftness. They are smaller than normal warhorses and cannot bear the weight of the armour a warhorse usually wears. Dornishmen claim the mounts are able to run for a day and night and another day, and never tire. A light cavalry unit is best fit for these descriptions; lightly armoured with great mobility maybe in the form of Swift Retreat. In terms of weapons, I can see sword and recurve bow being on the unit and making it a similar blend to the Dothraki Veterans but with their best attack being the short range recurve bow.
Trying to decide on the last unit in the box was difficult, I originally wanted archers but though more spears would be perfect. In the books, “the canny Dornishmen rained rocks and arrows and spears from the heights;” “many carried bundles short throwing spears” – which are used as javelins by both infantry and cavalry alike, this is a such a description that would lead to a uniquely designed unit not seen in the game. The only spear throwing unit is the Frozen Shore Bear Riders. I could only imagine a short range for this attack but a deadly one, perhaps the trade for range for effective shooting would be a fine deal here?

The Future
What other unit boxes could be made for the faction going forward? A Heroes box based around Arianne and her cohort; Myrcella Baratheon, Arys Oakheart, Sylva Santagar, Darkstar etc. A whole box dedicated to the Sand Snakes perhaps. Maybe one that contains some notable figures like Areo Hotah and Maester Myles of Sunspear.
What about the units? Archers would be an obvious choice to represent how they were able to take down a Dragon during the conquest era. Maybe lean into it and call them the Dragonslayer Archers. Standard swordsmen might be a good inclusion, although sabres and other curved weapons are fitting for the culture, however they seem more Essos in nature. Knowing that Dornish people are trained in tourneys like the rest of Westeros the straight blade would be more likely, however their armour is said to be suits of scale and plate, so mid-light armoured troops would be fitting.
Hopefully I have correctly predicted at least some of the Martell faction, and it won’t be too long until we see the force in the future.
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