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GW Grognard: Book Recommendations

Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to help you with your reading skills.

I read a lot. Okay well I tend to listen more than read as I listen to audio books while doing other stuff around the house or hobbying and especially while I am driving. My Audible account usually only has 1 or 2 credits on it as I am always on the look out and buying books based on what I enjoy and what has been suggested to me by others. So this week I have decided that i will give you, the unwashed masses, some reading recommendations to help broaden your reading palette. This assumes you do read, of course.

16 Ways to Defend a Walled City

I read a lot of historical books. It’s one of my other hobbies, among many, so I read a bunch of different eras of history. A lot of times it is actually just description of weapons and uniforms for a certain era and would most likely be boring to most readers. This book takes place during the time of the Roman Empire in which an Imperial engineer is left in charge as a city becomes under siege. The writing style is very down to earth and even if you have no interest in the Roman Empire it is written in such a way that it is easy to follow and understand. It is a relatively a quick read and once you are engrossed in it, you will be finished before you know it. Again, highly recommended.

Siege of Terra Series

I don’t think much needs to be said about this series. If you enjoy 40K as a whole and especially enjoy the lore, then you must read this series. It’s been advertised as a series that does not require you know or read the precious 60+ books of the Horus Heresy. You can therefore just start with the first book of the Siege of Terra series and go from there. So far, 6 books in, the series is great. Yes, we know how it ends but it is really the journey to that ending that is really making this series as good as it is. With only 2 books left in the series you will soon be able to read all the books at once if you want to wait until the series is out as a whole.

The Latest Codex

This is probably true of any player or tournament organizer as it will help you with whatever new hotness is coming. Foe instance, you should be reading both the Tau and Custodes codex books. Reading these will help you understand how and why you are currently getting steamrolled by these armies. But have no fear, you should already be getting ready to read the new Eldar codex when i comes out as that will make the previous two codexes look like they were playing using soft gloves. After Eldar it will be the next codex, then the next one. There should be an end to the reading of codexes at some point but then we will probably have to read a new set of rules and then a whole new set of codexes all over again. I think I’ll go back to my historical books, at least they won’t ever be updated every few years.

That’s all for this week. Hope you enjoyed the article. Let me know what you think, and books you recommend, in the comments section below. Don’t forget to visit our Facebook, Twitch, and Patreon pages to stay up to date on what we’re up to and when episodes drop!

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