The second article of meta analysis for the first week of February. Going over the CaptainCon and Dawn of War Beyond Odyssey events.
**Thought of the Day**
Success is commemorated. Failure merely remembered.
Welcome to part two of our weekly two-part article series covering weekly meta changes and tournament results. Lists, data, and all stats are based on information pulled from either Best Coast Pairings, Down Under Pairings, or tabletop to. If you want to make sure your event is included in this weekly article series toss me an email at legiotitanicus at gmail dot com and I’ll make sure that I add it to my list for analysis during the week. I will also be reaching out to tournament organizers (TO’s) for event winner’s email addresses moving forward (or if you win at a GT level event let me know!).
Guest Writer: Nathan H.
This week we had 4 GT or larger events taking place according to BCP, DUP, and Tabletop TO (Qualifying events had at least 28 participants):
- Legion
- Cross Swords
- CaptainCon
- Dawn of War Beyond Odyssey
In today’s article we will be covering overall meta status and the following events:
You can find coverage of this week’s other tournaments in yesterday’s article.
Note: There will be no player Q&A’s this week, we will restart that net week. Sorry you won’t get random messages from me, but also congratulations to this week’s winners for the same reason.
Now onto some tournament results
Player | Faction | |
1 | Brady Tatro | Custodes |
2 | Tyler Russo | Orks |
3 | Lucas Patruno | Daemons |
4 | Nick Miele | Tyranids |
5 | Ramses Alcaide | Drukhari |
6 | Rafael Buckentin | Custodes |
7 | Nathan Walls | Custodes |
8 | Zachary Chabot | Orks |
9 | Omar Qusrawi | Chaos Knights |
10 | Jared Vail | Genestealer Cult |
First Place – Brady Tatro (Custodes)

Expand for Army List
++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Imperium – Adeptus Custodes) [99 PL, 1,997pts, 10CP] ++
+ Configuration +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)
Detachment Command Cost
Detachment Type / Shield Host: Adeptus Custodes, Emperor’s Chosen
+ Agents of the Imperium +
Inquisitor [4 PL, 60pts, -1CP]: Blackshroud, Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Hereticus – Scourging, Ordo Hereticus, Psyker, Radical, Stratagem: Arbiter of the Emperor’s Will
+ HQ +
Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [10 PL, 180pts, -2CP]: (Emperor’s Chosen): Auric Exemplar, 3. Superior Creation, Castellan’s Mark, Misericordia, Salvo Launcher, Stratagem: The Emperor’s Heroes, Stratagem: Victor of the Blood Games, Tip of the Spear
Trajann Valoris [9 PL, 160pts, 1CP]
+ Troops +
Sagittarum Custodians [7 PL, 159pts]
. 3x Sagittarum w/ Misericordia: 3x Adrastus Bolt Caliver, 3x Misericordia
Sagittarum Custodians [7 PL, 159pts]
. 3x Sagittarum w/ Misericordia: 3x Adrastus Bolt Caliver, 3x Misericordia
Sagittarum Custodians [7 PL, 159pts]
. 3x Sagittarum w/ Misericordia: 3x Adrastus Bolt Caliver, 3x Misericordia
+ Elites +
Custodian Wardens [7 PL, 150pts]
. 3x Warden w/ Castellan Axe & Misericordia: 3x Castellan Axe, 3x Misericordia
+ Fast Attack +
Vertus Praetors [12 PL, 255pts]
. 3x Praetor w/ Salvo Launcher & Misericordia: 3x Interceptor Lance, 3x Misericordia, 3x Salvo Launcher
Vertus Praetors [12 PL, 255pts]
. 3x Praetor w/ Salvo Launcher & Misericordia: 3x Interceptor Lance, 3x Misericordia, 3x Salvo Launcher
Vertus Praetors [12 PL, 255pts]
. 3x Praetor w/ Salvo Launcher & Misericordia: 3x Interceptor Lance, 3x Misericordia, 3x Salvo Launcher
+ Heavy Support +
Caladius Grav-tank [12 PL, 205pts]: Twin Arachnus Heavy Blaze Cannon
++ Total: [99 PL, 1,997pts, 10CP] ++
Created with BattleScribe (
Key Features
- Similar to previous top 4 lists we looked at yesterday we’ve got a very flexible and popular shield host choice in Emperor’s Chosen who provide the flexibility to swap a unit to a different shield host for 1 CP during the command phase so if you’ve got a plan in mind you can execute it as you see fit. Supporting that flexibility is mortal wound resistance from a 4+++ against mortal wounds meaning one of the custodes main weaknesses is curtailed quite a bit. Tacking on master crafted rerolls puts a nice bow on things letting you reroll some 1’s into 1’s.
- Intriguingly this list has given up on Abhor by taking an Inquisitor equipped with the Blackshroud making them -1 to wound, and then the scourging lets them cast a power to give a unit -1 attack and possibly -1 to hit as well (if you roll above the targets leadership) which does provide some debuffing utility without needing to swap a unit to something like Shadowkeepers for a turn. The radical trait lets them reroll that important psychic test one per battleround as with its other equipment it’s not doing much else.
- Trajann Valoris is still amazing, and you should always take him
- Rounding out the characters we have a bike captain with superior creation for a 5+++, Tip of the Spear to give him rerolls on the charge, and Auric Exemplar for extra attacks when he kills models. Capping this off he’s also equipped with the Castellan’s Mark giving you an always useful pregame redeploy.
- For troops you’ve got some saggitarum who bring effectively 4 heavy bolter shots (1 being flat 3 damage AP -3) giving you a tough body to stand on a point that can also blast away at your opponent. Then with misericordia they also aren’t defenseless in melee combat.
- 3X3 bikes also make another appearance providing board control and maximizing master crafted rerolls from their Shield Host
- A Radical Inquisitor leads the Emperor’s Finest into battle who are equipped to bring the pain quickly at range and in melee
Second Place – Tyler Russo (Orks)
Expand for Army List
++ Outrider Detachment 0CP (Orks) [65 PL, 1,430pts, 12CP] ++
+ Configuration +
Army of Renown – Speed Freeks Speed Mob
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)
Clan Kultur: Evil Sunz
Detachment Command Cost
+ HQ +
Deffkilla Wartrike (Gorkgoroth) [6 PL, 120pts]: Speed King (Speed Mob), Warlord
+ Fast Attack +
DeffKoptas [12 PL, 300pts]: Boom Boyz
. DeffKopta
. DeffKopta
. DeffKopta
. DeffKopta
. DeffKopta
. DeffKopta
DeffKoptas [12 PL, 250pts]
. DeffKopta
. DeffKopta
. DeffKopta
. DeffKopta
. DeffKopta
Megatrakk Scrapjets [15 PL, 300pts]
. Megatrakk Scrapjet
. Megatrakk Scrapjet
. Megatrakk Scrapjet
+ Flyer +
Wazbom Blastajet (Da Wrathful Sky) [10 PL, 230pts]: 2x Tellyport Mega-Blastas, Blastajet Force Field, 2x Supa Shoota
Wazbom Blastajet (Da Lil Death Trap Dat Kould) [10 PL, 230pts]: 2x Tellyport Mega-Blastas, Blastajet Force Field, 2x Supa Shoota
++ Outrider Detachment -3CP (Orks) [30 PL, 570pts, -4CP] ++
+ Configuration +
Clan Kultur: Evil Sunz
Detachment Command Cost [-3CP]
+ HQ +
Warboss on Warbike (Meatbath TonsilKlaw) [6 PL, 115pts, -1CP]: 4. Brutal but Kunnin, Da Killa Klaw, Power Klaw, Stratagem: Big Boss
+ Fast Attack +
DeffKoptas [8 PL, 150pts]
. DeffKopta
. DeffKopta
. DeffKopta
Kustom Boosta Blastas [4 PL, 80pts]: Pyromaniacs
. Kustom Boosta Blastas
Warbikers [4 PL, 75pts]
. Boss Nob
. 2x Warbiker w/ Choppa: 2x Choppa, 4x Dakkagun
Warbikers [4 PL, 75pts]
. Boss Nob
. 2x Warbiker w/ Choppa: 2x Choppa, 4x Dakkagun
Warbikers [4 PL, 75pts]
. Boss Nob
. 2x Warbiker w/ Choppa: 2x Choppa, 4x Dakkagun
++ Total: [95 PL, 8CP, 2,000pts] ++
Note: This player used this list to punish Custodes repeatedly at the tournament going 3-0 in the Custodes matchup, taking their 1 loss to Drukhari round 2
Third Place – Lucas Patruno (Daemons)
Fourth Place – Nick Miele (Tyranids)
Expand for Army List
Battalion Detachment 0CP (Tyranids) [107 PL, 9CP, 2,000pts] ++
+ Configuration [12CP] +
Army of Renown – Crusher Stampede
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points) [12CP]
Detachment Command Cost
Hive Fleet: Leviathan
+ Stratagems [-2CP] +
Bounty of the Hive Fleet [-1CP]: 1 Extra Bio-artefact [-1CP]
Progeny of the Hive [-1CP]
+ HQ [25 PL, -1CP, 455pts] +
Hive Tyrant [11 PL, -1CP, 215pts]: Monstrous Scything Talons [10pts], Power: Catalyst, Power: Psychic Scream, Prehensile Pincer Tail, Relic: Resonance Barb, Stratagem: Alpha Leader-Beast [-1CP], Two Deathspitters with Slimer Maggots [20pts], Warlord, Warlord Trait: Rampaging Beast, Wings [2 PL, 30pts]
. Adaptive Physiology: Murderous Size
The Swarmlord [14 PL, 240pts]: Bone Sabres, Power: Aggressive Surge, Power: Infused Energies, Prehensile Pincer Tail
+ Troops [14 PL, 240pts] +
Tyranid Warriors [5 PL, 75pts]: Adrenal Glands [3pts], Synaptic Link: Bioweapon Bond [1 PL, 15pts]
. Tyranid Warrior [19pts]: Rending Claws [2pts], Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior [19pts]: Rending Claws [2pts], Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior [19pts]: Rending Claws [2pts], Scything Talons
Tyranid Warriors [5 PL, 87pts]: Adrenal Glands [3pts], Synaptic Link: Bioweapon Bond [1 PL, 15pts]
. Tyranid Warrior [21pts]: Devourer [4pts], Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior [21pts]: Devourer [4pts], Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior (Bio-cannon) [27pts]: Barbed Strangler [10pts], Scything Talons
Tyranid Warriors [4 PL, 78pts]
. Tyranid Warrior [23pts]: Deathspitter [6pts], Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior [23pts]: Deathspitter [6pts], Scything Talons
. Tyranid Warrior (Bio-cannon) [32pts]: Scything Talons, Venom Cannon [15pts]
+ Elites [18 PL, 325pts] +
Haruspex [9 PL, 155pts]: Grasping Tongue, Ravenous Maw, Shovelling Claws
. Adaptive Physiology: Murderous Size
Maleceptor [9 PL, 170pts]: Massive Scything Talons, Power: Catalyst, Power: Smite
+ Heavy Support [34 PL, 670pts] +
Biovores [6 PL, 150pts]: Show Spore Mine Rules
. 3x Biovore [150pts]: 3x Spore Mine Launcher
Carnifexes [18 PL, 345pts]
. Carnifex [115pts]: 2x Monstrous Scything Talons [20pts], Thresher Scythe [5pts], Tusks [10pts]
. Carnifex [115pts]: 2x Monstrous Scything Talons [20pts], Thresher Scythe [5pts], Tusks [10pts]
. Carnifex [115pts]: 2x Monstrous Scything Talons [20pts], Thresher Scythe [5pts], Tusks [10pts]
Trygon Prime [10 PL, 175pts]: 3x Massive Scything Talons, Bio-electric Pulse with Containment Spines, Prehensile Pincer Tail, Relic: Adaptive Neural Lobe
+ Flyer [16 PL, 310pts] +
Harpy [8 PL, 155pts]: 2x Stranglethorn Cannon, Scything Wings, Show Spore Mine Rules, Stinger Salvo
Hive Crone [8 PL, 155pts]: Drool Cannon, Scything Wings, Stinger Salvo, Tentaclids, Wicked Spur
++ Total: [107 PL, 9CP, 2,000pts] ++
Dawn of War Beyond Odyssey
Player | Faction | |
1 | Lachlann Riggs | Custodes |
2 | Craig Sumpton | Drukhari |
3 | Aaron Thompson | Drukhari |
4 | Harrison Darge | Custodes |
5 | Earl Clarke | Custodes |
6 | Adam Batista | Orks |
7 | Connor Ockwell | Orks |
8 | Luke Ney | Drukhari |
9 | Michael Hortin | Adepta Sororitas |
10 | Daniel Norrish | Drukhari |
First Place – Lachlann Riggs (Custodes)

Expand for Army List
Battalion (Adeptus Custodes: Emperor’s Chosen)
Agents of the Imperium: 5 Voidsmen-At-Arms [2 PL, 40pts]
HQ: Captain-General Trajann Valoris [9 PL, 160pts]:
∙ Warlord (+1CP): Master of Martial Strategy & Champion of the Imperium
HQ: Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [10 PL, -2CP, 180pts]: Misericordia, Salvo Launcher
∙ Captain-Commander: Tip of the Spear
∙ Extra Warlord Traits (-2CP): Superior Creation & Auric Exemplar
∙ Relic: Castellan’s Mark
Troops: 3 Sagittarum Custodians w/ 3 Misericordia [7 PL, 159pts]
Troops: 3 Sagittarum Custodians w/ 2 Misericordia [7 PL, 156pts]
Troops: 5 Prosecutors [3 PL, 60pts]
Elite: Vexilus Praetor [6 PL, -1CP, 105pts]: Guardian Spear, Vexilla Magnifica
∙ Extra Warlord Trait (-1CP): Impregnable Mind
∙ Extra Relic (-1CP): Fulminaris Aggressor
Elite: 3 Custodian Wardens [7 PL, 150pts]: Guardian Spears w/ 3 Misericordia
Elite: Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought [9 PL, 160pts]: Lastrum storm bolters
Elite: Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought [9 PL, 160pts]: Lastrum storm bolters
Elite: Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought [9 PL, 160pts]: Lastrum storm bolters
Fast Attack: 3 Vertus Praetors [12 PL, 255pts]: Salvo Launcher w/ 3 Misericordia
Fast Attack: 3 Vertus Praetors [12 PL, 255pts]: Salvo Launcher w/ 3 Misericordia
TOTAL: 102 PL, 9CP, 2000pts
Key Features
- I’m going to say it again, Emperor’s Chosen has amazing flexibility by letting you hot swap one unit in your command phase into another Shield Host by using a stratagem. It also lets you bypass one of the main weakness of custodes, mortal wounds, by giving a 4+++ against them in all phases. Master craft rerolls also help immensely when you have MSU bike units each with one shot by letting reroll one hit or wound roll per unit.
- I guess we can talk about Trajann “auto-include” Valoris again. He provides both wound and hit rerolls to <Core> units. Moment shackle lets him fight twice, change the damage of a failed save to 0, or interrupt for free once per battle. You also get a 6” heroic, full re-rolls to hit with a D3 axe and CP regeneration just in case you needed more reasons to take him.
- Similar to the list taken at CaptainCon we have a bike captain with superior creation for a 5+++, Tip of the Spear to give him rerolls on the charge (to hit which is very useful), and Auric Exemplar for extra attacks when he kills models (up to a maximum of 4). The Castellan’s Mark relic also provides an incredibly useful redeploy that let’s you deploy aggressively and pull back if you don’t get the first turn or want to respond to a weakness in your opponent’s deployment.
- Finally, the army also has 2 squads of 3 bikes give you a mobile firebase where each one can put out a D3+3 shot with master crafted rerolls. Then if you wanted more golden armored glory there are three Contemptor-Achillus, which provides a durable platform that also is quite good at killing other durable platforms via it’s D3+3 damage spear attacks (that it gets five of). Oh, and Heavy2 flat 3 damage at range with that spear as well.
- I guess not finally, Voidsmen-at-Arms also provide a cute toolkit piece that can deepstrike, are cheap, and can-do actions if you need them to. Basically, filling in the role of cheap action monkey or screen as appropriate.
- More Ripe Banana Boys running amok this time with lots of bikes, some big dreadnoughts, and then 5 voidsmen who feel very out of place.
Second Place – Craig Sumpton (Drukhari)
Expand for Army List
Factions Used: Drukhari
Army Points: 1996
Reinforcement Points: 4
Number of Units: 16
Pre Game Stratagem: Alliance of Agony x1, Prizes from the Dark City x2
Starting Command Points: 9
Warlord and Trait: Archon – Ancient Evil
Army Trait: Power from Pain, Realspace Raid
Secondary Objectives Information:
No Prisoners: 126
To the Last: Talos, Talos, Talos
Bring it Down: 6
Assassination: 10
Titan Hunter: N/A
Abhor The Witch: N/A
== Drukhari – Kabal of the Black Heart, Artists of the Flesh, Cult of Strife – Battalion Detachment = 0CP, [123PL 1996pt]s ==
Obsession: Thirst for Power, *Custom Coven*, The Spectacle of Murder
NFO: Court of the Archon: 4x Sslyth (4×18), 4x Ur-Ghul (4×16) [10PL, 136pts]
HQ: Archon (70) HuskBlade (5), Splintered Genius (15pts), Relic: The Djin Blade, Warlord Trait – Ancient Evil [5PL, 90pts]
HQ: Haemonculus (70), Alchemical Maestro (20pts), Relic: Poisoner’s Ampule, Warlord Trait – Alliance of Agony (-1 CP): Twisted Animator [5PL, 90pts]
HQ: Succubus (80), Show Stealer (15pts) Agoniser & Archite Glaive (0), Combat Drug: Adrenalight, Relic: The Triptych Whip, Warlord Trait – Alliance of Agony (-1 CP): Competitive Edge [4PL, 95pts]
TR: 9x Haemoxytes (9×10), 1x Acothyst (10) [8PL, 100pts]
TR: 19x Wracks (19×8), 1x Acothyst (8) 4x Ossefactor (20) [12PL, 180pts]
TR: 14x Wracks (19×8), 1x Acothyst (8) 3x Ossefactor (15) [6PL, 135pts]
TR: 4x Kabalite Warriors (4×8), 1x Sybarite (8) [3PL, 40pts]
TR: 4x Wyches (4×10), 1x Hekatrix (10) Combat Drug: Adrenalite [3PL, 60pts]
EL: 4x Grotesque with Monstrous Cleaver (4×35) [12PL, 140pts]
EL: 4x Grotesque with Monstrous Cleaver (4×35) [12PL, 140pts]
EL: 4x Mandrakes (4×15), 1x Nightfiend (1×15) [3PL, 75pts]
FA: 4 x Hellions (4×17), 1x Helliarch (1×17) Combat Drug: Adrenalite [4PL, 85pts]
HS: 2x Talos (2×100) 2x Talos Gauntlet (10) 2x Talos Ichor Injector (0) 2x Two Heat Lances (0) [12PL, 210pts]
HS: 2x Talos (2×100) 2x Talos Gauntlet (10) 2x Talos Ichor Injector (0) 2x Two Heat Lances (0) [12PL, 210pts]
HS: 2x Talos (2×100) 2x Talos Gauntlet (10) 2x Talos Ichor Injector (0) 2x Two Heat Lances (0) [12PL, 210pts]
Third Place – Aaron Thompson (Drukhari)
Expand for Army List
Raiding Forces Triple Patrol
Obsession: Artists of Flesh
+ Stratagems +
Stratagem: Prizes from the Dark City [-1CP]
+ HQ +
Haemonculus [4 PL, 70pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
Succubus [4 PL, 95pts]: 1 – Adrenalight (Combat Drug), As Detachment (Wych Cult), The Triptych Whip
. Agoniser & Archite Glaive
. Show Stealer (Cursed Blade): Show Stealer
+ Troops +
Wracks [12 PL, 170pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Acothyst: Electrocorrosive Whip
. Wrack w/ Special Weapon: Ossefactor
. 18x Wracks: 18x Wrack Blade
Wracks [12 PL, 170pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Acothyst: Electrocorrosive Whip
. Wrack w/ Special Weapon: Ossefactor
. 18x Wracks: 18x Wrack Blade
Wracks [12 PL, 170pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Acothyst: Electrocorrosive Whip
. Wrack w/ Special Weapon: Ossefactor
. 18x Wracks: 18x Wrack Blade
+ Elites +
Incubi [4 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Incubi: 4x Klaive
. Klaivex: Demiklaives
Patrol Detachment
Obsession: Artists of Flesh
+ HQ +
Drazhar [8 PL, 145pts]: Hatred Eternal, Warlord
+ Troops +
Wracks [12 PL, 170pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Acothyst: Electrocorrosive Whip
. Wrack w/ Special Weapon: Ossefactor
. 18x Wracks: 18x Wrack Blade
Wracks [12 PL, 170pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Acothyst: Electrocorrosive Whip
. Wrack w/ Special Weapon: Ossefactor
. 18x Wracks: 18x Wrack Blade
Wracks [12 PL, 170pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Acothyst: Electrocorrosive Whip
. Wrack w/ Special Weapon: Ossefactor
. 18x Wracks: 18x Wrack Blade
+ Elites +
Incubi [4 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Incubi: 4x Klaive
. Klaivex: Demiklaives
Patrol Detachment
Obsession: Kabal of the Black Heart: Thirst for Power
+ HQ +
Archon [4 PL, -1CP, 70pts]: Ancient Evil, As Detachment (Kabal), Overlord, Splinter Pistol, Stratagem: Tolerated Ambition, The Animus Vitae, Venom Blade
+ Troops +
Wracks [6 PL, 90pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Acothyst: Electrocorrosive Whip
. Wrack w/ Special Weapon: Ossefactor
. 8x Wracks: 8x Wrack Blade
Wracks [3 PL, 45pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Acothyst: Wrack Blade
. Wrack w/ Special Weapon: Ossefactor
. 3x Wracks: 3x Wrack Blade
Wracks [3 PL, 45pts]: As Detachment (Coven)
. Acothyst: Electrocorrosive Whip
. 4x Wracks: 4x Wrack Blade
+ Elites +
Incubi [4 PL, 90pts]
. 4x Incubi: 4x Klaive
. Klaivex: Demiklaives
+ Dedicated Transport +
Venom [4 PL, 75pts]: As Detachment, Splinter Cannon, Twin splinter rifle
Venom [4 PL, 75pts]: As Detachment, Splinter Cannon, Twin splinter rifle
++ Total: [124 PL, 10CP, 2,000pts] ++
Fourth Place – Harrison Darge (Custodes)
Expand for Army List
Configuration +
Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)
Detachment Command Cost
Detachment Type / Shield Host: Adeptus Custodes, Emperor’s Chosen
+ Stratagems +
Stratagem: Open the Vaults [-1CP]: Additional Relics
+ Agents of the Imperium +
Voidsmen-At-Arms [4 PL, 48pts]: Voidmaster
. 5x Voidsman: 5x Lasgun, 5x Laspistol
+ HQ +
Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike [10 PL, 195pts, -2CP]: (Emperor’s Chosen): Auric Exemplar, 3. Superior Creation, Castellan’s Mark, Misericordia, Salvo Launcher, Stratagem: The Emperor’s Heroes, Stratagem: Victor of the Blood Games, Tip of the Spear
Trajann Valoris [9 PL, 160pts, 1CP]
+ Troops +
Custodian Guard Squad [7 PL, 135pts]
. 3x Custodian w/ Guardian Spear & Misericordia: 3x Guardian Spear, 3x Misericordia
Prosecutors [3 PL, 60pts]: Prosecutor Sister Superior
. 4x Prosecutor: 4x Boltgun
Sagittarum Custodians [7 PL, 159pts]
. 3x Sagittarum w/ Misericordia: 3x Adrastus Bolt Caliver, 3x Misericordia
+ Elites +
Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought [9 PL, 160pts]: 2x Lastrum Storm Bolter
Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought [9 PL, 160pts]: 2x Lastrum Storm Bolter
Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought [9 PL, 170pts, -1CP]: Stratagem: Eternal Penitent
Custodian Wardens [7 PL, 150pts]
. 3x Warden w/ Castellan Axe & Misericordia: 3x Castellan Axe, 3x Misericordia
Vexilus Praetor [6 PL, 105pts, -1CP]: 4. Impregnable Mind, Castellan Axe, Fulminaris Aggressor, Stratagem: The Emperor’s Heroes, Vexilla Magnifica
+ Fast Attack +
Vertus Praetors [12 PL, 255pts]
. 3x Praetor w/ Salvo Launcher & Misericordia: 3x Interceptor Lance, 3x Misericordia, 3x Salvo Launcher
Vertus Praetors [12 PL, 255pts]
. 3x Praetor w/ Salvo Launcher & Misericordia: 3x Interceptor Lance, 3x Misericordia, 3x Salvo Launcher
++ Total: [104 PL, 1997pts, 8CP] ++
Thanks everyone for reading this week’s article series. Tune in next week for more events with at least two major sized events.
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!