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The Colonel’s Corner: Creating the Mad King

Hey guys ‘n gals! Welcome back to another installment of The Colonels Corner! 

Today I want to showcase a model I’ve recently finished for my Necron Destroyer Cult. I wanted to complete the army with a centerpiece model. Something that would not only be very eye catching, but also be the head of my army. Lets face it, who doesn’t want an awesome looking Warlord?! 

Guest Writer: Col. Festus

I set out to create the Phaeron of Destroyers, the Mad King. I knew I wanted him to count as a Command Barge so I would have to have that represented accordingly. He would need a staff of light, rez orb, gauss cannon, and be roughly the size of a command barge. 

Many of us Necron players have a second Skorpekh Lord laying around from Indomtius. I decided I would use that as my base, smashed together with a Canoptek Spyder. I also wanted him fairly large and imposing, so I decided to mount him on the sewer drain from the Urban Conquest box. With the composition of the model in my head, I set out to create the foundation and ended up with this. 

I then moved my attention to the torso and the arms. To connect the torso to the spyder body I used a bit from the Ghost Ark. I was able to shave down the orb on the spyder body and sit this piece snugly inside. It was the perfect size to match the spinal column of the Skorpehk Lord.

 I needed a Gauss Cannon as well as a Staff of Light. I turned to the Lychguard kit for the head to the staff of light as well as the warscythe from the Lord on foot kit. This simple converted staff was then pinned to the wrist of the arm from the large blade the Skorpekh Lord carried. The Gauss Cannon was upgraded from the old Gauss Cannon from the Lokhest Destroyers. I slapped two Gauss Blasters from Immortals together, glued it between the front half and back half of the old Gauss Cannon. This was then attached to the blaster arm of the Skorpehk Lord. 

Suitably happy with this I turned my attention to the rez orb. I knew a normal size orb would look faily puny in this model’s hands, so I reached for the unused top of the Chronomancer’s staff. I was able to invert the claw of the Skorpekh Lord, shave off the attached power cable, and place the orb suitably. In my mind it’s being summoned from a pocket dimension into reality when needed. I also felt this placing would provide a great point for the eyes to be drawn to when painting the green glow on the model.

With the rez orb down, all that remained was to find a suitable head. Doubling down on the arachnid feel, I decided to use the leftover Hexmark Destroyer Head. With everything in place I went back, removed all the blue tack, shaved down everything and glued it together. I attached the final claws and sensor orb from the spyder kit. I imagined this final piece as being the source of the model’s Quantum Shielding. Here is the final model prior to basing and priming. 

I then moved onto painting the model. I kept it separate from the base for ease of painting. Here is the final result!

And there you have it! I had a blast converting this model as well as painting it. I cannot wait to field him in my upcoming games! 

Have any hobby questions or want something showcased/reviewed? Feel free to email me your request at

Want to follow along with me on my projects? I tutorials, finished products and WIP pix often on both Instagram and Twitter

The Colonel Out!!!

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