Hello, LVO Head Judge and TFG Radio member Salty John bringing you some news about the LVO and an introduction to your judges!
First off, I am really looking forward to LVO and if you’re going I hope you are too! It’s only about 20 days away and I know it’s going to be a great time. For those of you going please remember to check online, or with the hotel, regarding the current COVID-19 guidelines and mandates as we get closer to the event. It’s probably best to check with your local airport and the airline you will be taking as well. FLG will follow all mandated State/County/City/Venue guidelines and mandates. Currently, that does include the wearing of masks in the venue, so be sure to bring and wear your mask.
Next up, please read the Warhammer 40k Championship Player Packet by clicking that hyperlink. In that document you will find links to other important information, such as the Form for Conversion Approval and Rules Questions. Also you will find a link to the FLG Event FAQ. That document has the rulings from all previous FLG events and the rulings made so far for LVO 2022. ALL THE PREVIOUS RULINGS ARE IN EFFECT FOR LVO 2022. Asking a question that is already covered in a previous event FAQ will not get us to revisit the question and answer. In fact, we generally ignore repeat questions.
- Rules released after January 15th will not be allowed. YES THIS MEANS IF GSC and CUSTODES ARE OUT ON THE 15th THEY WILL BE THE RULES USED AT LVO 2022
- Deadline for Conversion Approval and List Submission if January 17th.
The Player Optimized Terrain rules will be used at LVO 2022. You can find those rules at the bottom of the player packet. Please note: there has been one change made to these rules since So Cal Open, it deals with the 4in gap in terrain and models that cannot fit through, or move over those pieces. Please review the rules. If you are new to Player Optimized Terrain here is a handy video!
Business handled let’s move on to the “Meet the Judges” section of this article! Las Vegas Open Warhammer 40k judges can be spotted wearing two different color shirts. The Senior Judges, those judges who have been judging LVO for a few years will be wearing purple shirts. The newer judges will be wearing yellow. The rulings made by judges carry the same weight, the color is so you know who to ask event-specific questions. Things that a judge who has been to LVO multiple times might know better than someone who has not, things like: when paint judging will be, questions about pairings, the venue etc. Each Judge was asked to provide a bit of background information and a photo so you can more easily recognize them at LVO.
First up we have Brian Horton, who helped FLG judge the Atlantic City Open this past year, known online more commonly as Legion Horton. This will be Brian’s first year judging LVO and here is what Brian had to say about his years of experience:
LEGION HORTON: Well, I have been playing 40K since the early 1990s and have been in and around gaming for over 30 years. I am the Head Judge for the Atlantic City Open, DaBoyz GT, and The Salt City GT. As the president of The Thirteenth Legion Second Company, I run about 40 events a year in Central NY for Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40K. I also run a large Games Workshop retail location in Syracuse, NY @ The Art Store.
We are excited to have Brian join our team for the Las Vegas Open this year. We are also glad to add Brian Hunter to the LVO judges team this year! Here is what Brian had to tell us.
BRIAN: I’ve been playing Warhammer since 1994. I am the main host for the Flying Monkeys Wargaming Podcast and one of the TOs for Flying Monkey Con. Generally online and in the 40k world, I am better known as BamBam. I own Game stores in the midwest and love making art of all kinds. I am also in a toxic relationship with playing Space Wolves.
Bam is a great guy and another wonderful addition to the judges’ group. The last of our new additions is Keith French. Keith has helped out at two FLG events so far this year and is steeped in competitive miniature gaming from his days playing Warmahordes.
KEITH FRENCH: Well, I bought Rogue Trader the day it came out and it’s been all downhill from there (j/k). I’ve have been playing the game ever since, with a few breaks for life and other game systems, but keep landing here in the 40K universe. I love all aspects of the hobby; painting, casual play, RTTs, GTs, and the community itself. I only recently decided to try my hand in judging events, and after helping out at the Las Vegas Team Tournament and SoCal Open, Adam said I wasn’t allowed to play and had to judge at LVO. So here I am.
Keith has proven himself an invaluable asset as a judge so far and we’re excited he agreed to be shanghaied into judging LVO by Adam. Speaking of Adam, Adam Solis is one of two judges who have been judging LVO for 6 years!
ADAM SOLIS: I have been playing 40K since Space Marines were Toughness 3. Running events since 3rd edition. and currently running the Hammer of Wrath and Battle for Los Angeles GTs in lovely Pasadena CA. I Also help judge all the other FLG events as well as non-FLG events. I am the Co-Creator and co-host of the popular podcast TFG Radio and author of the “GW Grognard” series of articles for Frontline Gaming. Currently, I am enjoying playing Thousand Sons but I am getting my favorite army, Black Legion, ready for the new Chaos Space Marine codex.
Adding to the gravitas that is Adam Solis we have the other longest-serving judge Daniel Ruiz, who is also in his 6th year judging at the Las Vegas Open. Danny is our go-to for verbiage clarification as he teaches English at a local college and is a published author.
DANIEL RUIZ: I am a bit of an oldhead with Games Workshop, starting way back in the late 1900s (1993 to be precise) with the 2nd Ed box set of 40K. I have played almost every faction at one point or another, but my main allegiance will always be the Hive Mind, yet there is a part of my heart dedicated to Khorne. I was very fortunate to be part of the first, non-Reece/Frankie judge team, all the way back to LVO 2016. Besides LVO, I assist Adam Solis in running the TFG Radio events, Hammer of Wrath and Battle for LA. I have also worked with the ITC since that fateful LVO in 2016, working on the 7th ed ITC FAQ as well as the 7th and 8th Ed ITC mission pack. You can read my articles just about every Sunday on FLG and hear my thoughts on TFG Radio.
As proof Danny is the best option to go to for English language questions with the rules, his response is the only one I didn’t need to edit for grammatical errors! Next up we’ll go with the last member of the Judges Team who is also a TFG Radio member. Me.

Better known online as SaltyJohn my name is John Weyermuller and this will be my 5th LVO. I was part of the original expansion of the Judges team. I have been writing for Frontline Gaming for several years, and with an article almost every week I have the second most posts on FLG right behind the great Reece himself. I also help with the ITC Code of Conduct and all the previous ITC Mission sets. I was honored to be asked this past year to Judge the Games Workshop US Open events for Warhammer 40k. It was a great experience going to both the Orlando and New Orleans US Opens for Games Workshop. I truly love the hobby of 40k and one of my favorite parts is being a member of TFG Radio and Pod Save the Imperium, podcasting is a fun addition to the hobby for me.
Another one of our first additions to the team after Danny and Adam is Chris Morgan. Chris came on board the same year as I did, so this will also be his 5th LVO!
CHRIS MORGAN: I’ve been playing 40K for over 20 years, and have been judging and running tournaments for about six years, and organized Utah’s first-ever ITC Grand Tournaments at the Salt City Gladiator Games for several years before handing the reigns over to worthy TOs. As a judge, I focus on large-scale tournaments for FLG, including the LVTT and LVO (since 2016), but I also support and promote the Wargames for Warriors Charity events. I made a name for myself in the wider community as Captain Morgan on the Forge the Narrative Podcast, and still maintain my reputation as a hopeless fanboy of the Sons of Sanguinius. Nowadays I host the “Captain Morgan’s Librarius” podcast on the FLGN.
Next up we have Matt, Gorknmork, Root. Matt joined the Judging team few years ago and this will be his 4th year. Matt is probably the best player in our set of judges. Currently ranked 11th in the world in ITC and he has achieved heights of excellence in previous seasons as well.
MATT ROOT: I’ve been a competitive player ever since the start of 5ed. #1 ranked player in the ITC in 2017. Won 5 large tournaments this year, 3 of which were majors. Competed with just about every army in the game (mostly because I’m a meta chasing whore). My player skills are offset by my terrible painting skills.
Matt has been the judge on the scene at some of LVOs most infamous matches. If you’re nice, maybe he’ll recount some of the stories! Thomas Hegstrom Oakey is a well-known player throughout the US, and he is responsible for my favorite game of 40k I have ever played at a tournament. He is a consummate gentleman and a great sport.
THOMAS: I’ve been playing 40k since about 2008, or right at the end of 4th, beginning of 5th edition. Huge space marine lover, but got into all the pre-heresy lore early. My theme of choice is pre-heresy Emperor’s children, but I love the Emperor too much to play Chaos until recently I’ve done well competitively with various Space marine factions over the years, but once I started running local tournaments and got to know the other LVO judges I fell into the trap that is judging. Now I’m pretty relegated to being ‘that judge guy’ in the community. A victim of the success of the local tournament scene I helped build.
For the record, the judges all provided their own pictures. Just thought I needed to say that… Mitch Pelham has been helping us Judge LVO for 4 years as well now. Mitch is a member of the Best in Faction Podcast, aside from being a great player Mitch has become a well-known judge and organizer in the Pacific Northwest. He is most worthy of the praise!
Next we have Jason Horn who is an indispensable part of the team because he is our “tech” guy.
JASON: I’ve been playing 40K for the past 10 years and started with Necrons, Orks, Blood Angels, and even dirty dirty Tau… Over these 10 years, I ran the Iron Halo major tournament for 7 years, founded the Lord Marshal Conference and produced Lord Marshal TV. My favorite factions are Death Korps of Krieg and Adeptus Sororitas. LVO is my favorite event because I get to see my friends from all over the world! See you in a few weeks!
Last, but not least, we have returning Judge Doug James. Previously he has helped with the 40k Champs and this year he has been given the additional task of running the 40k Friendly Event when he isn’t helping the rest of us run the Champs!
DOUG: I’ve been a long-time 40k player, and judged/assisted with many events across the midwest, including Adepticon, Iron Halo, and Siegeworld. I also just completed my first year headlining the Gateway Open, and look forward to continuing to grow that venue. Prior to getting more involved in events, I was part of a local car club, but I realized that I needed to maintain an actual “expensive” hobby to keep my wife impressed, so I decided to lean harder into 40k so that she wouldn’t leave me.
Well, that’s everyone! FLG is committed to providing players with the best possible experience at the LVO 40k Champs and that is evidenced in their dedication to growing the judges’ team every year to match the exponential growth of the tournament. Those of us who are old hats at this are honored to be joined this year by such great additions to the team. We look forward to seeing you all soon!
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!