Hello Warhammer 40k players, LVO Head Judge SaltyJohn from TFG Radio here to discuss some important info about the world’s largest Warhammer Tournament!
This week for my article we will take a detour from discussing the current standings and results in the ITC for Warhammer 40k and instead devote the column inches to some important information about the Las Vegas Open 2022. First, because I am getting a lot of questions about it.
- No new rules/FAQ/Eratta after January 15th.
- Cut off for Conversion approval is January 17th.
- Lists are due January 17th.
- If the new GW GT Missions/Points Book 2022 come out before LVO 2022 we will NOT be using them. We will finish the season with the Missions from the latest 2021 Book.
- FOR CLARITY. If GW releases the new GT Packet, including the new points, it WILL NOT be used at LVO 2022. Neither the missions, or points changes from it.
If you have rules questions or need Conversions approved you can submit them via this Google Form. Please check this Event FAQ prior to asking your question, we will not answer duplicate questions. Also, be sure to check out the Players Packet for other questions you may have. The event uses the ITC Code of Conduct. If you are unfamiliar with it then you should familiarize yourself with it. If you have already sent in a rules question or a conversion for approval, we are beginning the process of going through all those this weekend.
Venue/Event General Info
- Regional COVID Guidelines are followed for FLG events. Be sure to make yourself aware of the Las Vegas COVID guidelines and restrictions prior to leaving. For example Masks are required inside in Las Vegas, even for the fully vaccinated, so be sure to bring a mask with you etc.
- You must have a Con badge to enter the venue, no exceptions. *remembers I didn’t buy my wife one yet…*
- Check in and registration is available on Thursday after 4 PM. If you are on site Thursday it is best to check in Thursday night and avoid the Friday morning rush.
- The 40k Champs event, all 1200 players, will be in a single massive Hall.
- The 40k Champs is in the “Pavillion Hall” there are multiple Warhammer events going on, make sure you show up to the right place!
We would like to emphasize that we will be using the Player Optimized Terrain which has passed the test after 4 major events. There will not be changes to what was used at the New Orleans event and you can expect those rules to be rolled into the LVO Player Pack ASAP. That said, first-time LVO/FLG event-goers and international folks who may have never heard of, or used, it please pay special attention to the rules. Keywords are critical. There is a great video that explains it all, linked below.
Some notes on judges and rulings. This year the judge staff is officially tiered. I am Head Judge and there are two associate head judges, Adam and Danny, also from TFG Radio. Judges wearing the purple judges’ shirts are the senior judging staff, they have helped run LVO multiple times. Yellow-shirted judges are newer. We have this system in place to make it easier for attendees with questions about LVO itself to know that judges in the purple shirts will have the most knowledge about the ins and outs of the event itself. A ruling from a judge, any judge, carries the same weight. With the number of attendees, it is important for you to know that a judge will make a ruling when asked, or step into a game if they see something being played illegally, but they will not hang around to argue with you. A judges’ ruling is final. If you’re asking for a ruling you are responsible for presenting the relevant rules, the judges do not carry 40k rules libraries around with them.
While we know the hall is large, and the number of attendees is once again record-breaking, players should not be overly late to their round starting. A player that is more than 15 minutes late will forfeit their match. On the other side, players should be patient when waiting for their opponent, and not come to the judges after 5 minutes to be repaired etc.
We hope to provide the best experience possible to all the attendees as well as foster a healthy competitive environment. As we get closer I will put out the annual video from the LVO judges, as well as an article introducing you to us, so you know who to look for. The Las Vegas Open is an amazing experience, I hope to see you all there.
And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!