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Darkstrider Get’s an Upgrade!

The new T’au codex is on it’s way and with it comes a new model for Darkstrider.

This new model looks absolutely sick! Love the detailing and really stands on it’s own as a welcomed addition to the T’au army. We’ve also finally got some more previews for the T’au!

The pulse carbine for Darkstrider get’s 2AP upped from the 0AP it’s currently rocking on his datasheet. That’s a marine killer right there and with a 24″ range you can be a lot more aggressive with him compared to what he was before.

Wow. This is such a huge change from what Structural Analyser does now. Currently you get +1 to wound on T’au Infantry units…which is pretty bad. Changing this over to T’au Sept CORE now, we’re going to see this become such a nasty tech into the army. Depending on what get’s the CORE keyword though we’ll have to see if this becomes extremely strong but if Dreadnoughts get CORE I can only imagine things like Battlesuits and Riptides might be in the running to receive it as well.

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