Hello, competitive 40k players and hobby enthusiasts! Salty John from TFG Radio here to discuss this week in the ITC.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock then you know all about last weekend’s tournaments being dominated by Drukhari. This has been covered extensively in many places and on multiple podcasts so I am not going to rehash it all here. If you want to read/hear more about it though because you’re a glutton for punishment I assume, then head over to the Comp 40k page on Facebook and scroll or head to YouTube and search for “Drukhari 9th edition”.
Instead of going in-depth into the tournament results for the week or the players and their lists like I often do I wanted to come back to the Hobby Track this week and give Drukhari a chance to settle more into the meta and see what happens on that front before weighing in. JT Steiger got in contact with me after my first article highlighting the Hobby Track top 10 and was gracious enough to provide pictures of his army and of Noah Beddome’s army. They also agreed to an interview!
- How long have you been hobbying in the 40k community? JT: Painting for over a decade – I’ve been active in the community within the past few years. Noah: Off and on for a long time but steadily now for 2.5 Years
- What was your first army you fully painted? JT: My first army fully complete was Tau! They reminded me of big epic Armored Core Robots, I was about it. Noah: Crimson Fists
- What painting/hobby project was your favorite so far? JT: Right now I am working on a custom house chapter of Space Marines, Tenebris Custodia, which roughly translates to Dark Guard. Very excited about the project thus far. Noah: My Admech and my Death Gaurd. My Admech are technically better painted but the DG style was so fun.
- What inspired you to paint the army you’re currently doing so well within the ITC Hobby Track? JT: Myself and my Team here at Dark Tower want to inspire people, that’s our goal – With beautifully painted armies, good games and good opponents, we hope to do just that. The love for the hobby brought us all together. Our Space Marine chapter, The Dark Guard has been a project we have been able to collaborate and work on together. Not just to further ourselves on the ITC, but to inspire others as well. It’s a project that is nowhere near finished , its going to be a fantastic piece when it is, at least we hope! Noah: I have always loved hard to shift armies with lots of weird interactions and DG really are that. Also I wanted an excuse to try out slime and water effects.
- What, do you think, makes your army unique? JT: Though The Dark Guard are simple, black and grey, with silver and red accents – It is executed well with strong color theory involved. We want to create a mood and a strong sense of environment when we create an army and a display, I think its a big part of the Art that is Warhammer. Some good colors and good brushes will take you a long way, especially with a little bit of luck! Noah: The really vibrant colors , water/ goo effects like the PBC loogie balls or the goo underneath the converted prince.
- What do you enjoy the most about going to events with beautiful armies? JT: We love being able to talk to other artists about their armies, their fluff, background and why they play the force that they do. It’s a big part of what makes Warhammer unique, you can make something completely your own, that is a beautiful thing. Noah: The cinematic feel during the game. Two good players with Two beautiful armies on a great board it’s like being part of a story.
Thanks again to JT and Noah for answering my questions, and great work on being high ranked in the Hobby Track this year guys! First up some pictures of Noah’s Death Guard army.
Nice work Noah, it’s great to see a really well-executed Death Guard army. Next, let’s take a look at JT’s Marines.
Again, really beautiful work on this army too. These two have definitely earned their placings on the Hobby Track! Hopefully, as this season progresses we’ll have more and more TOs embrace submitting scores through BCP for the Hobby Track and I can try and feature a few more armies. Next week I plan to look at the results from this weekend’s events and compare them to last weekend’s and see if, and how, the meta is beginning to adjust to the menace from Commorragh.
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