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Warhammer Anniversary Models Revealed!

The Warhammer-community page shows off some of the new GW store only anniversary models. What do you all think about them?

A tad annoying if you don’t have a GW store nearby but I am sure these bad boys will be showing up on eBay at inflated prices for anyone that really wants one.

The Stormcast has a bit of a funny bowl cut going on as well, lol.

Even by the standards of the ancient Necrons, Kamoteph has been knocking about for a while. This master of eldritch devices is hunched over due to the weight of his own body and tiny scarabs crawl across his carapace – in fact, it almost looks like he’s using his Staff of Light as a walking stick. Best of all, though, you can slot him right into your Necron army in place of your regular Cryptek.

Even the Astral Templars respect the monster-killing prowess of Knight-Questor Sylas Beastbane, and with that monstrously heavy head in their hand it’s easy to see why. You can use this model to replace a Hero in any Stormcast Eternals army. He also comes with a unique warscroll for use in narrative and open play games, where you’ll quickly discover that few foes can stand up to the one-two punch of his Questor Axe-hammer.

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