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More Death Guard Sneak Peaks!

Death Guard Rules Preview Part 3: Remorseless

Thanks to the Warhammer-community team for bringing us more info on the upcoming Death Guard!

The Death Guard codex is on its way early next year, and it features five key changes to their rules which will have an enormous impact on how these putrid servants of Nurgle operate on the battlefield. Over the course of the week, we’re looking at each of these new rules in greater detail – so far we’ve covered Inexorable Advance and Deadly Pathogens – and discussing why Mortarion’s Traitor Legion is set to become more disgusting in battle than ever before!

Next up this week is the Death Guard’s Remorseless ability, which offers protection against the effects of Combat Attrition.

All of the Core Death Guard Infantry units – namely Plague Marines, Death Guard Possessed, Blightlord Terminators, and Deathshroud Terminators – come with this handy ability.* With Toughness 5 and multiple Wounds apiece, not to mention the effects of Disgustingly Resilient (more on that tomorrow!), these models are hard enough to kill in the first place. 

However, having such hardy troops makes the loss of even one to Combat Attrition more keenly felt. But by the grace of Nurgle, this ability means it’s unlikely you’ll suffer additional losses from failed Morale tests.

We’ll have more on the new Death Guard rules every day this week, so remember to check in with us on the Warhammer Community site, and sign up to our newsletter for all the latest news. In the meantime, treat yourself to a unit of Blightlord Terminators to relentlessly – and remorselessly – take the fight to your enemies!

* Even Myphitic Blight-haulers will be Remorseless, making a tri-lobe unit of three models a safer option than before.

Death Guard Rules Preview Part 4: Disgustingly Resilient

The Death Guard codex is on its way early next year, and it features five key changes to their rules which will have an enormous impact on how these putrid servants of Nurgle operate on the battlefield. Over the course of the week, we’ll be looking at each of these new rules in greater detail – you can catch up with our guides to Inexorable Advance, Deadly Pathogens and Remorseless here – and discussing why Mortarion’s Traitor Legion is set to become more disgusting in battle than ever before!

Next up this week, we’re casting a spotlight on a special rule that’s practically synonymous with the Death Guard – their Disgustingly Resilient ability.

That’s right, Grandfather Nurgle has been cooking up an improved concoction of blessings that will further enhance the resilience of his favoured warriors. 

When the new codex launches, the Death Guard will be ignoring one wound guaranteed against any attacks that deal more than 1 Damage. When you consider that Plague Marines, Death Guard Possessed, Blightlord Terminators, and Deathshroud Terminators also gain an additional Wound in the new codex, it makes the legion a true force to be reckoned with. The 2-Damage weapons (super-charged plasma weapons, we’re looking at you) that are the bane of Space Marines of every stripe simply won’t cut it against the Death Guard.* 

Of course, larger, tougher units such as Plagueburst Crawlers and Mortarion will also be harder than ever to drop to their wounded profile levels, let alone destroy. The Death Guard really are set to become more Disgustingly Resilient than ever!

We’ll have more on the new Death Guard rules every day this week, so remember to check in with us on the Warhammer Community site, and sign up to our newsletter for all the latest news. In the meantime, support the advance of your Death Guard with a Plagueburst Crawler, and get ready to revel in your opponent’s horror when they realise quite how much firepower they’ll need to stand a chance of destroying it!

* In fact, your opponent will need to hit a Death Guard Terminator with a Damage 4 attack or higher to bring one down with a single hit – that’s dedicated anti-tank weapon territory!

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