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9th Edition Space Wolves: First Impressions

Hello fellow Fenrisian Fanatics! SaltyJohn from TFG Radio here to bring you my first impressions of the new Codex Supplement: Space Wolves.

I’ve been a huge fan of Space Wolves for as long as I’ve been in the hobby. One of the first 40k novels I read was the first Ragnar Omnibus and my favorite Horus Heresy novels have all featured the Vylka Fenryka in one way or another. The new format GW is using for the codex supplements is actually the way I’ve wanted them to handle this for a long time. Part of me always hated how certain codices were missing things from the core Space Marine book for no real reason. Now using the new supplement format GW has it so pretty much all the units in Codex Space Marines are available to everyone and the supplements add the flavoring if you’re going to play a non-Codex chapter. So you will need both the Codex Supplement and Codex: Space Marines to play, but in the end, this is a better format.

There are plenty of places online that put together full reviews of the codex, so I am not going to do that here. Instead, I am going to lay down a few first impressions I have about what I am excited to try out and why. If you’re looking for more comprehensive reviews of the whole codex here are a few links: Striking Scorpion Review. Vanguard Tactics Review.

First and foremost the Space Wolves are an assault army. It fits with their lore in many ways and it’s how I have always wanted to play Space Wolves. While 5th edition Space Wolves had some great melee options in Thunderwolf Cavalry that’s not the build that became the most prevalent. Njal Stormcaller (non-Terminator version) Las/Plas Razorbacks with min Grey Hunter squads, with max Long Fangs with Missiles and as many Missile Speeders as you could fit became the 5th ed Space Wolf list of doom. Which was disappointing. Not that I didn’t play it, but it wasn’t what Space Wolves “should” be according to all the fluff in the codex itself and the numerous novels featuring them. This new codex supplement though makes it very different.

In reality, it started with Codex: Space Marines at the beginning of 9th when the SW Chapter Tactics were published. Hunters Unleashed is a Chapter Tactic devoted entirely to making Space Wolves better in combat, period. The Codex Supplement builds upon this in several ways. Savage Fury makes Space Wolves more potent in combat right off the bat. When the Assault Doctrine, yes SW can use the doctrines from Codex: Space Marines, is active unmodified hit rolls of 6 score 1 additional hit in melee! When you couple this with aura abilities that allow for re-rolls to hit you can really start to wrack up those hits and start to grind through units in melee.

Space Wolves seem to be an aggressive board control army they want the battle to happen in the center of the board and at close quarters where they outshine most other armies in Warhammer 40k right now. You should be doing very well on the Primary and holding 2 or more objectives a turn easily. So here is a rundown of what I am really interested in trying out in 9th Edition with Space Wolves:

My Ragnar and some buddies, waiting to hit the tabletop soon.
I loved using these Skyclaws with some Character support in 5th Edition.
I soured on the original Canis model when the other Thundercav units came out. Canis’ wolf just looks like a chonky internet meme cat instead of a feral wolf in comparison. So I made my own.
5th edition Loganwing was a lot of fun!

There’s a lot of potential in this codex supplement. With options that can allow you to make your opponent fight last, and ways to get some more protection through psychic powers we’re looking at a viable codex with a few builds. It even makes the old Rhino rush of Blood Claws, backed up by Thundercav a real possibility. We could even see the return of Loganwing!? Now, that, would be fun. I hope you enjoyed, my first impressions of the units I am excited about from Codex Supplement: Space Wolves. Let me know what you think in the comments!

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